#!/usr/local/bin/tclsh ### # # MUDFEST, Copyright 2001, 2002 Michael A. Cleverly # set RCSID {@(#) $Id: mudfest.tcl,v 1.40 2002/08/04 17:11:40 michael Exp $} # ### # Run in debug mode? if {![info exists debug_p]} { set debug_p 0 } if {$debug_p} { set autokill [after 10000 exit] } if {![info exists script]} { set script [file join [pwd] [info script]] } ################################################################################ # # # Mudfest makes use of a couple of (pure) Tcl packages; we could simply # # package require them, but then everyone we distributed mudfest to would # # need to also download those packages also. So, instead, we simply include # # them inline here. Our actual client code follows below. # # # ################################################################################ # irc.tcl -- # # irc implementation for Tcl. # # Copyright (c) 2001 by David N. Welton . # This code may be distributed under the same terms as Tcl. # package provide irc 0.1 namespace eval irc { variable conn # configuration information set config(debug) 0 # counter used to differentiate connections set conn 0 } # irc::config -- # # Set configuration options # # Arguments: # # key name of the configuration option to change. # # value value of the configuration option. proc irc::config { key value } { variable config set config($key) $value } # irc::connection -- # Create an IRC connection namespace and associated commands. Do not # actually make the socket. # Arguments: # host hostname to connect to # port port to use - usually 6667 proc irc::connection { host {port 6667} } { variable conn variable config # Create a unique namespace of the form irc$conn::$host set name [format "irc%s::%s" $conn $host] namespace eval $name {} set ${name}::conn $conn set ${name}::port $port namespace eval $name { set state 0 set host [namespace tail [namespace current]] array set dispatch {} # ircsend -- # send text to the IRC server proc ircsend { msg } { variable sock puts $sock "$msg" if { $irc::config(debug) > 0 } { puts "ircsend: $msg" } } # implemented user-side commands proc User { username hostname userinfo } { ircsend "USER $username $hostname $username :$userinfo" } proc Nick { nick } { ircsend "NICK $nick" } proc Ping { } { ircsend "PING: [clock seconds]" } proc Join { chan } { ircsend "JOIN $chan " } proc Part { chan } { ircsend "PART $chan" } proc Privmsg { target msg } { ircsend "PRIVMSG $target :$msg" } # Connect -- # Create the actual connection. proc Connect { } { variable state variable sock variable host variable conn variable port if { $state == 0 } { catch { set sock [socket $host $port] } if { ! [info exists sock] } { return -1 } set state 1 fconfigure $sock -translation crlf fconfigure $sock -buffering line fileevent $sock readable [format "::irc::irc%s::%s::GetEvent" $conn $host ] } return 0 } # DispatchServerEvent -- # Dispatch event from server proc DispatchServerEvent { line } { variable dispatch set splitline [split $line] set who [lindex $splitline 0] set cmd [lindex $splitline 1] set rest [lrange $splitline 2 end] if { [info exists dispatch($cmd)] } { $dispatch($cmd) $who $rest } else { $dispatch(defaultevent) $cmd $who $rest } } # DispatchServerCmd -- # Dispatch command from server proc DispatchServerCmd { line } { variable dispatch set splitline [split $line] set action [lindex $splitline 0] set rest [lrange $splitline 1 end] if { [info exists dispatch($action)] } { $dispatch($action) $rest } else { $dispatch(defaultcmd) $action $rest } } # GetEvent -- # Get a line from the server and send it on to # DispatchServerCmd/Event proc GetEvent { } { variable sock if { [eof $sock] } { if { [info exists dispatch(EOF)] } { $dispatch(EOF) } } gets $sock line if { [string index $line 0] == ":" } { DispatchServerEvent [string range $line 0 end] } else { DispatchServerCmd $line } } # RegisterEvent -- # Register an event in the dispatch table. # Arguments: # evnt: name of event as sent by IRC server. # cmd: proc to register as the event handler proc RegisterEvent { evnt cmd } { variable dispatch set dispatch($evnt) $cmd } # network -- # Accepts user commands and dispatches them # Arguments: # cmd: command to invoke # args: arguments to the command proc network { cmd args } { switch $cmd { connect { Connect } user { User [lindex $args 0] [lindex $args 1] [lindex $args 2] } nick { Nick [lindex $args 0] } join { Join [lindex $args 0] } privmsg { Privmsg [lindex $args 0] [lindex $args 1] } send { ircsend [lindex $args 0] } registerevent { RegisterEvent [lindex $args 0] [lindex $args 1] } default { } } } } set returncommand [format "irc::irc%s::%s::network" $conn $host] incr conn return $returncommand } # graph.tcl -- # # Implementation of a graph data structure for Tcl. # # Copyright (c) 2000 by Andreas Kupries # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # namespace eval ::struct {} namespace eval ::struct::graph { # Data storage in the graph module # ------------------------------- # # There's a lot of bits to keep track of for each graph: # nodes # node values # node relationships (arcs) # arc values # # It would quickly become unwieldy to try to keep these in arrays or lists # within the graph namespace itself. Instead, each graph structure will # get its own namespace. Each namespace contains: # node:$node array mapping keys to values for the node $node # arc:$arc array mapping keys to values for the arc $arc # inArcs array mapping nodes to the list of incoming arcs # outArcs array mapping nodes to the list of outgoing arcs # arcNodes array mapping arcs to the two nodes (start & end) # counter is used to give a unique name for unnamed graph variable counter 0 # commands is the list of subcommands recognized by the graph variable commands [list \ "arc" \ "arcs" \ "destroy" \ "node" \ "nodes" \ "swap" \ "walk" \ ] variable arcCommands [list \ "append" \ "delete" \ "exists" \ "get" \ "getall" \ "insert" \ "keys" \ "keyexists" \ "lappend" \ "set" \ "source" \ "target" \ "unset" \ ] variable nodeCommands [list \ "append" \ "degree" \ "delete" \ "exists" \ "get" \ "getall" \ "insert" \ "keys" \ "keyexists" \ "lappend" \ "opposite" \ "set" \ "unset" \ ] # Only export one command, the one used to instantiate a new graph namespace export graph } # ::struct::graph::graph -- # # Create a new graph with a given name; if no name is given, use # graphX, where X is a number. # # Arguments: # name name of the graph; if null, generate one. # # Results: # name name of the graph created proc ::struct::graph::graph {{name ""}} { variable counter if { [llength [info level 0]] == 1 } { incr counter set name "graph${counter}" } if { ![string equal [info commands ::$name] ""] } { error "command \"$name\" already exists, unable to create graph" } # Set up the namespace namespace eval ::struct::graph::graph$name { # Set up the map from nodes to the arcs coming to them variable inArcs array set inArcs {} # Set up the map from nodes to the arcs going out from them variable outArcs array set outArcs {} # Set up the map from arcs to the nodes they touch. variable arcNodes array set arcNodes {} # Set up a value for use in creating unique node names variable nextUnusedNode set nextUnusedNode 1 # Set up a value for use in creating unique arc names variable nextUnusedArc set nextUnusedArc 1 } # Create the command to manipulate the graph interp alias {} ::$name {} ::struct::graph::GraphProc $name return $name } ########################## # Private functions follow # ::struct::graph::GraphProc -- # # Command that processes all graph object commands. # # Arguments: # name name of the graph object to manipulate. # args command name and args for the command # # Results: # Varies based on command to perform proc ::struct::graph::GraphProc {name {cmd ""} args} { # Do minimal args checks here if { [llength [info level 0]] == 2 } { error "wrong # args: should be \"$name option ?arg arg ...?\"" } # Split the args into command and args components if { [llength [info commands ::struct::graph::_$cmd]] == 0 } { variable commands set optlist [join $commands ", "] set optlist [linsert $optlist "end-1" "or"] error "bad option \"$cmd\": must be $optlist" } eval [list ::struct::graph::_$cmd $name] $args } # ::struct::graph::_arc -- # # Dispatches the invocation of arc methods to the proper handler # procedure. # # Arguments: # name name of the graph. # cmd arc command to invoke # args arguments to propagate to the handler for the arc command # # Results: # As of the invoked handler. proc ::struct::graph::_arc {name cmd args} { # Split the args into command and args components if { [llength [info commands ::struct::graph::__arc_$cmd]] == 0 } { variable arcCommands set optlist [join $arcCommands ", "] set optlist [linsert $optlist "end-1" "or"] error "bad option \"$cmd\": must be $optlist" } eval [list ::struct::graph::__arc_$cmd $name] $args } # ::struct::graph::__arc_delete -- # # Remove an arc from a graph, including all of its values. # # Arguments: # name name of the graph. # args list of arcs to delete. # # Results: # None. proc ::struct::graph::__arc_delete {name args} { foreach arc $args { if { ![__arc_exists $name $arc] } { error "arc \"$arc\" does not exist in graph \"$name\"" } } upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::inArcs inArcs upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::outArcs outArcs upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::arcNodes arcNodes foreach arc $args { foreach {source target} $arcNodes($arc) break ; # lassign unset arcNodes($arc) # FRINK: nocheck unset ::struct::graph::graph${name}::arc$arc # Remove arc from the arc lists of source and target nodes. set index [lsearch -exact $outArcs($source) $arc] set outArcs($source) [lreplace $outArcs($source) $index $index] set index [lsearch -exact $inArcs($target) $arc] set inArcs($target) [lreplace $inArcs($target) $index $index] } return } # ::struct::graph::__arc_exists -- # # Test for existance of a given arc in a graph. # # Arguments: # name name of the graph. # arc arc to look for. # # Results: # 1 if the arc exists, 0 else. proc ::struct::graph::__arc_exists {name arc} { return [info exists ::struct::graph::graph${name}::arcNodes($arc)] } # ::struct::graph::__arc_get -- # # Get a keyed value from an arc in a graph. # # Arguments: # name name of the graph. # arc arc to query. # flag -key; anything else is an error # key key to lookup; defaults to data # # Results: # value value associated with the key given. proc ::struct::graph::__arc_get {name arc {flag -key} {key data}} { if { ![__arc_exists $name $arc] } { error "arc \"$arc\" does not exist in graph \"$name\"" } upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::arc${arc} data if { ![info exists data($key)] } { error "invalid key \"$key\" for arc \"$arc\"" } return $data($key) } # ::struct::graph::__arc_getall -- # # Get a serialized array of key/value pairs from an arc in a graph. # # Arguments: # name name of the graph. # arc arc to query. # # Results: # value serialized array of key/value pairs. proc ::struct::graph::__arc_getall {name arc args} { if { ![__arc_exists $name $arc] } { error "arc \"$arc\" does not exist in graph \"$name\"" } if { [llength $args] } { error "Wrong # arguments given to 'getall'" } upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::arc${arc} data return [array get data] } # ::struct::graph::__arc_keys -- # # Get a list of keys for an arc in a graph. # # Arguments: # name name of the graph. # arc arc to query. # # Results: # value value associated with the key given. proc ::struct::graph::__arc_keys {name arc args} { if { ![__arc_exists $name $arc] } { error "arc \"$arc\" does not exist in graph \"$name\"" } if { [llength $args] } { error "Wrong # arguments given to 'keys'" } upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::arc${arc} data return [array names data] } # ::struct::graph::__arc_keyexists -- # # Test for existance of a given key for a given arc in a graph. # # Arguments: # name name of the graph. # arc arc to query. # flag -key; anything else is an error # key key to lookup; defaults to data # # Results: # 1 if the key exists, 0 else. proc ::struct::graph::__arc_keyexists {name arc {flag -key} {key data}} { if { ![__arc_exists $name $arc] } { error "arc \"$arc\" does not exist in graph \"$name\"" } if { ![string equal $flag "-key"] } { error "invalid option \"$flag\": should be -key" } upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::arc${arc} data return [info exists data($key)] } # ::struct::graph::__arc_insert -- # # Add an arc to a graph. # # Arguments: # name name of the graph. # source source node of the new arc # target target node of the new arc # args arc to insert; must be unique. If none is given, # the routine will generate a unique node name. # # Results: # arc The name of the new arc. proc ::struct::graph::__arc_insert {name source target args} { if { [llength $args] == 0 } { # No arc name was given; generate a unique one set arc [__generateUniqueArcName $name] } else { set arc [lindex $args 0] } if { [__arc_exists $name $arc] } { error "arc \"$arc\" already exists in graph \"$name\"" } if { ![__node_exists $name $source] } { error "source node \"$source\" does not exist in graph \"$name\"" } if { ![__node_exists $name $target] } { error "target node \"$target\" does not exist in graph \"$name\"" } upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::inArcs inArcs upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::outArcs outArcs upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::arcNodes arcNodes upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::arc${arc} data # Set up the new arc set data(data) "" set arcNodes($arc) [list $source $target] # Add this arc to the arc lists of its source resp. target nodes. lappend outArcs($source) $arc lappend inArcs($target) $arc return $arc } # ::struct::graph::__arc_set -- # # Set or get a value for an arc in a graph. # # Arguments: # name name of the graph. # arc arc to modify or query. # args ?-key key? ?value? # # Results: # val value associated with the given key of the given arc proc ::struct::graph::__arc_set {name arc args} { if { ![__arc_exists $name $arc] } { error "arc \"$arc\" does not exist in graph \"$name\"" } upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::arc$arc data if { [llength $args] > 3 } { error "wrong # args: should be \"$name arc set $arc ?-key key?\ ?value?\"" } set key "data" set haveValue 0 if { [llength $args] > 1 } { foreach {flag key} $args break if { ![string match "${flag}*" "-key"] } { error "invalid option \"$flag\": should be key" } if { [llength $args] == 3 } { set haveValue 1 set value [lindex $args end] } } elseif { [llength $args] == 1 } { set haveValue 1 set value [lindex $args end] } if { $haveValue } { # Setting a value return [set data($key) $value] } else { # Getting a value if { ![info exists data($key)] } { error "invalid key \"$key\" for arc \"$arc\"" } return $data($key) } } # ::struct::graph::__arc_append -- # # Append a value for an arc in a graph. # # Arguments: # name name of the graph. # arc arc to modify or query. # args ?-key key? value # # Results: # val value associated with the given key of the given arc proc ::struct::graph::__arc_append {name arc args} { if { ![__arc_exists $name $arc] } { error "arc \"$arc\" does not exist in graph \"$name\"" } upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::arc$arc data if { [llength $args] != 1 && [llength $args] != 3 } { error "wrong # args: should be \"$name arc append $arc ?-key key?\ value\"" } if { [llength $args] == 3 } { foreach {flag key} $args break if { ![string equal $flag "-key"] } { error "invalid option \"$flag\": should be -key" } } else { set key "data" } set value [lindex $args end] return [append data($key) $value] } # ::struct::graph::__arc_lappend -- # # lappend a value for an arc in a graph. # # Arguments: # name name of the graph. # arc arc to modify or query. # args ?-key key? value # # Results: # val value associated with the given key of the given arc proc ::struct::graph::__arc_lappend {name arc args} { if { ![__arc_exists $name $arc] } { error "arc \"$arc\" does not exist in graph \"$name\"" } upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::arc$arc data if { [llength $args] != 1 && [llength $args] != 3 } { error "wrong # args: should be \"$name arc lappend $arc ?-key key?\ value\"" } if { [llength $args] == 3 } { foreach {flag key} $args break if { ![string equal $flag "-key"] } { error "invalid option \"$flag\": should be -key" } } else { set key "data" } set value [lindex $args end] return [lappend data($key) $value] } # ::struct::graph::__arc_source -- # # Return the node at the beginning of the specified arc. # # Arguments: # name name of the graph object. # arc arc to look up. # # Results: # node name of the node. proc ::struct::graph::__arc_source {name arc} { if { ![__arc_exists $name $arc] } { error "arc \"$arc\" does not exist in graph \"$name\"" } upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::arcNodes arcNodes return [lindex $arcNodes($arc) 0] } # ::struct::graph::__arc_target -- # # Return the node at the end of the specified arc. # # Arguments: # name name of the graph object. # arc arc to look up. # # Results: # node name of the node. proc ::struct::graph::__arc_target {name arc} { if { ![__arc_exists $name $arc] } { error "arc \"$arc\" does not exist in graph \"$name\"" } upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::arcNodes arcNodes return [lindex $arcNodes($arc) 1] } # ::struct::graph::__arc_unset -- # # Remove a keyed value from a arc. # # Arguments: # name name of the graph. # arc arc to modify. # args additional args: ?-key key? # # Results: # None. proc ::struct::graph::__arc_unset {name arc {flag -key} {key data}} { if { ![__arc_exists $name $arc] } { error "arc \"$arc\" does not exist in graph \"$name\"" } if { ![string match "${flag}*" "-key"] } { error "invalid option \"$flag\": should be \"$name unset\ $arc ?-key key?\"" } upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::arc${arc} data if { [info exists data($key)] } { unset data($key) } return } # ::struct::graph::_arcs -- # # Return a list of all arcs in a graph satisfying some # node based restriction. # # Arguments: # name name of the graph. # # Results: # arcs list of arcs proc ::struct::graph::_arcs {name args} { if {[llength $args] == 0} { # No restriction, deliver all. upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::arcNodes arcNodes return [array names arcNodes] } # Get mode and node list set cond [lindex $args 0] set args [lrange $args 1 end] # Validate that the cond is good. switch -glob -- $cond { "-in" { set cond "in" } "-out" { set cond "out" } "-adj" { set cond "adj" } "-inner" { set cond "inner" } "-embedding" { set cond "embedding" } default { error "invalid restriction \"$cond\": should be -in, -out,\ -adj, -inner or -embedding" } } # Validate that there are nodes to use in the restriction. # otherwise what's the point? if {[llength $args] == 0} { set usage "$name arcs ?-in|-out|-adj|-inner|-embedding node node...?" error "no nodes specified: should be \"$usage\"" } # Make sure that the specified nodes exist! foreach node $args { if { ![__node_exists $name $node] } { error "node \"$node\" does not exist in graph \"$name\"" } } # Now we are able to go to work upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::inArcs inArcs upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::outArcs outArcs upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::arcNodes arcNodes set arcs [list] array set coll {} switch -exact -- $cond { in { # Result is all arcs going to at least one node # in the list of arguments. foreach node $args { foreach e $inArcs($node) { if {[info exists coll($e)]} {continue} lappend arcs $e set coll($e) . } } } out { # Result is all arcs coming from at least one node # in the list of arguments. foreach node $args { foreach e $outArcs($node) { if {[info exists coll($e)]} {continue} lappend arcs $e set coll($e) . } } } adj { # Result is all arcs coming from or going to at # least one node in the list of arguments. foreach node $args { foreach e $inArcs($node) { if {[info exists coll($e)]} {continue} lappend arcs $e set coll($e) . } foreach e $outArcs($node) { if {[info exists coll($e)]} {continue} lappend arcs $e set coll($e) . } } } inner { # Result is all arcs running between nodes in the list. array set group {} foreach node $args { set group($node) . } foreach node $args { foreach e $inArcs($node) { set n [lindex $arcNodes($e) 0] if {![info exists group($n)]} {continue} if { [info exists coll($e)]} {continue} lappend arcs $e set coll($e) . } foreach e $outArcs($node) { set n [lindex $arcNodes($e) 1] if {![info exists group($n)]} {continue} if { [info exists coll($e)]} {continue} lappend arcs $e set coll($e) . } } } embedding { # Result is all arcs from -adj minus the arcs from -inner. # IOW all arcs goint from a node in the list to a node # which is *not* in the list array set group {} foreach node $args { set group($node) . } foreach node $args { foreach e $inArcs($node) { set n [lindex $arcNodes($e) 0] if {[info exists group($n)]} {continue} if {[info exists coll($e)]} {continue} lappend arcs $e set coll($e) . } foreach e $outArcs($node) { set n [lindex $arcNodes($e) 1] if {[info exists group($n)]} {continue} if {[info exists coll($e)]} {continue} lappend arcs $e set coll($e) . } } } default {error "Can't happen, panic"} } return $arcs } # ::struct::graph::_destroy -- # # Destroy a graph, including its associated command and data storage. # # Arguments: # name name of the graph. # # Results: # None. proc ::struct::graph::_destroy {name} { namespace delete ::struct::graph::graph$name interp alias {} ::$name {} } # ::struct::graph::__generateUniqueArcName -- # # Generate a unique arc name for the given graph. # # Arguments: # name name of the graph. # # Results: # arc name of a arc guaranteed to not exist in the graph. proc ::struct::graph::__generateUniqueArcName {name} { upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::nextUnusedArc nextUnusedArc while {[__arc_exists $name "arc${nextUnusedArc}"]} { incr nextUnusedArc } return "arc${nextUnusedArc}" } # ::struct::graph::__generateUniqueNodeName -- # # Generate a unique node name for the given graph. # # Arguments: # name name of the graph. # # Results: # node name of a node guaranteed to not exist in the graph. proc ::struct::graph::__generateUniqueNodeName {name} { upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::nextUnusedNode nextUnusedNode while {[__node_exists $name "node${nextUnusedNode}"]} { incr nextUnusedNode } return "node${nextUnusedNode}" } # ::struct::graph::_node -- # # Dispatches the invocation of node methods to the proper handler # procedure. # # Arguments: # name name of the graph. # cmd node command to invoke # args arguments to propagate to the handler for the node command # # Results: # As of the the invoked handler. proc ::struct::graph::_node {name cmd args} { # Split the args into command and args components if { [llength [info commands ::struct::graph::__node_$cmd]] == 0 } { variable nodeCommands set optlist [join $nodeCommands ", "] set optlist [linsert $optlist "end-1" "or"] error "bad option \"$cmd\": must be $optlist" } eval [list ::struct::graph::__node_$cmd $name] $args } # ::struct::graph::__node_degree -- # # Return the number of arcs adjacent to the specified node. # If one of the restrictions -in or -out is given only # incoming resp. outgoing arcs are counted. # # Arguments: # name name of the graph. # args option, followed by the node. # # Results: # None. proc ::struct::graph::__node_degree {name args} { if {([llength $args] < 1) || ([llength $args] > 2)} { error "wrong # args: should be \"$name node degree ?-in|-out| node\"" } switch -exact -- [llength $args] { 1 { set opt {} set node [lindex $args 0] } 2 { set opt [lindex $args 0] set node [lindex $args 1] } default { error "Wrong # arguments given to 'degree'" } } # Validate the option. switch -exact -- $opt { {} - -in - -out {} default { error "invalid option \"$opt\": should be -in or -out" } } # Validate the node if { ![__node_exists $name $node] } { error "node \"$node\" does not exist in graph \"$name\"" } upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::inArcs inArcs upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::outArcs outArcs switch -exact -- $opt { -in { set result [llength $inArcs($node)] } -out { set result [llength $outArcs($node)] } {} { set result [expr {[llength $inArcs($node)] \ + [llength $outArcs($node)]}] # loops count twice, don't do arithmetics, i.e. no union! if {0} { array set coll {} set result [llength $inArcs($node)] foreach e $inArcs($node) { set coll($e) . } foreach e $outArcs($node) { if {[info exists coll($e)]} {continue} incr result set coll($e) . } } } default {error "Can't happen, panic"} } return $result } # ::struct::graph::__node_delete -- # # Remove a node from a graph, including all of its values. # Additionally removes the arcs connected to this node. # # Arguments: # name name of the graph. # args list of the nodes to delete. # # Results: # None. proc ::struct::graph::__node_delete {name args} { foreach node $args { if { ![__node_exists $name $node] } { error "node \"$node\" does not exist in graph \"$name\"" } } upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::inArcs inArcs upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::outArcs outArcs foreach node $args { # Remove all the arcs connected to this node foreach e $inArcs($node) { __arc_delete $name $e } foreach e $outArcs($node) { # Check existence to avoid problems with # loops (they are in and out arcs! at # the same time and thus already deleted) if { [__arc_exists $name $e] } { __arc_delete $name $e } } unset inArcs($node) unset outArcs($node) # FRINK: nocheck unset ::struct::graph::graph${name}::node$node } return } # ::struct::graph::__node_exists -- # # Test for existance of a given node in a graph. # # Arguments: # name name of the graph. # node node to look for. # # Results: # 1 if the node exists, 0 else. proc ::struct::graph::__node_exists {name node} { return [info exists ::struct::graph::graph${name}::inArcs($node)] } # ::struct::graph::__node_get -- # # Get a keyed value from a node in a graph. # # Arguments: # name name of the graph. # node node to query. # flag -key; anything else is an error # key key to lookup; defaults to data # # Results: # value value associated with the key given. proc ::struct::graph::__node_get {name node {flag -key} {key data}} { if { ![__node_exists $name $node] } { error "node \"$node\" does not exist in graph \"$name\"" } upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::node${node} data if { ![info exists data($key)] } { error "invalid key \"$key\" for node \"$node\"" } return $data($key) } # ::struct::graph::__node_getall -- # # Get a serialized list of key/value pairs from a node in a graph. # # Arguments: # name name of the graph. # node node to query. # # Results: # value value associated with the key given. proc ::struct::graph::__node_getall {name node args} { if { ![__node_exists $name $node] } { error "node \"$node\" does not exist in graph \"$name\"" } if { [llength $args] } { error "Wrong # arguments given to 'getall'" } upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::node${node} data return [array get data] } # ::struct::graph::__node_keys -- # # Get a of keys from a node in a graph. # # Arguments: # name name of the graph. # node node to query. # # Results: # value value associated with the key given. proc ::struct::graph::__node_keys {name node args} { if { ![__node_exists $name $node] } { error "node \"$node\" does not exist in graph \"$name\"" } if { [llength $args] } { error "Wrong # arguments given to 'keys'" } upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::node${node} data return [array names data] } # ::struct::graph::__node_keyexists -- # # Test for existance of a given key for a node in a graph. # # Arguments: # name name of the graph. # node node to query. # flag -key; anything else is an error # key key to lookup; defaults to data # # Results: # 1 if the key exists, 0 else. proc ::struct::graph::__node_keyexists {name node {flag -key} {key data}} { if { ![__node_exists $name $node] } { error "node \"$node\" does not exist in graph \"$name\"" } if { ![string equal $flag "-key"] } { error "invalid option \"$flag\": should be -key" } upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::node${node} data return [info exists data($key)] } # ::struct::graph::__node_insert -- # # Add a node to a graph. # # Arguments: # name name of the graph. # args node to insert; must be unique. If none is given, # the routine will generate a unique node name. # # Results: # node The namee of the new node. proc ::struct::graph::__node_insert {name args} { if { [llength $args] == 0 } { # No node name was given; generate a unique one set node [__generateUniqueNodeName $name] } else { set node [lindex $args 0] } if { [__node_exists $name $node] } { error "node \"$node\" already exists in graph \"$name\"" } upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::inArcs inArcs upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::outArcs outArcs upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::node${node} data # Set up the new node set inArcs($node) [list] set outArcs($node) [list] set data(data) "" return $node } # ::struct::graph::__node_opposite -- # # Retrieve node opposite to the specified one, along the arc. # # Arguments: # name name of the graph. # node node to look up. # arc arc to look up. # # Results: # nodex Node opposite to proc ::struct::graph::__node_opposite {name node arc} { if {![__node_exists $name $node] } { error "node \"$node\" does not exist in graph \"$name\"" } if {![__arc_exists $name $arc] } { error "arc \"$arc\" does not exist in graph \"$name\"" } upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::arcNodes arcNodes # Node must be connected to at least one end of the arc. if {[string equal $node [lindex $arcNodes($arc) 0]]} { set result [lindex $arcNodes($arc) 1] } elseif {[string equal $node [lindex $arcNodes($arc) 1]]} { set result [lindex $arcNodes($arc) 0] } else { error "node \"$node\" and arc \"$arc\" are not connected\ in graph \"$name\"" } return $result } # ::struct::graph::__node_set -- # # Set or get a value for a node in a graph. # # Arguments: # name name of the graph. # node node to modify or query. # args ?-key key? ?value? # # Results: # val value associated with the given key of the given node proc ::struct::graph::__node_set {name node args} { if { ![__node_exists $name $node] } { error "node \"$node\" does not exist in graph \"$name\"" } upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::node$node data if { [llength $args] > 3 } { error "wrong # args: should be \"$name node set $node ?-key key?\ ?value?\"" } set key "data" set haveValue 0 if { [llength $args] > 1 } { foreach {flag key} $args break if { ![string match "${flag}*" "-key"] } { error "invalid option \"$flag\": should be key" } if { [llength $args] == 3 } { set haveValue 1 set value [lindex $args end] } } elseif { [llength $args] == 1 } { set haveValue 1 set value [lindex $args end] } if { $haveValue } { # Setting a value return [set data($key) $value] } else { # Getting a value if { ![info exists data($key)] } { error "invalid key \"$key\" for node \"$node\"" } return $data($key) } } # ::struct::graph::__node_append -- # # Append a value for a node in a graph. # # Arguments: # name name of the graph. # node node to modify or query. # args ?-key key? value # # Results: # val value associated with the given key of the given node proc ::struct::graph::__node_append {name node args} { if { ![__node_exists $name $node] } { error "node \"$node\" does not exist in graph \"$name\"" } upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::node$node data if { [llength $args] != 1 && [llength $args] != 3 } { error "wrong # args: should be \"$name node append $node ?-key key?\ value\"" } if { [llength $args] == 3 } { foreach {flag key} $args break if { ![string equal $flag "-key"] } { error "invalid option \"$flag\": should be -key" } } else { set key "data" } set value [lindex $args end] return [append data($key) $value] } # ::struct::graph::__node_lappend -- # # lappend a value for a node in a graph. # # Arguments: # name name of the graph. # node node to modify or query. # args ?-key key? value # # Results: # val value associated with the given key of the given node proc ::struct::graph::__node_lappend {name node args} { if { ![__node_exists $name $node] } { error "node \"$node\" does not exist in graph \"$name\"" } upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::node$node data if { [llength $args] != 1 && [llength $args] != 3 } { error "wrong # args: should be \"$name node lappend $node ?-key key?\ value\"" } if { [llength $args] == 3 } { foreach {flag key} $args break if { ![string equal $flag "-key"] } { error "invalid option \"$flag\": should be -key" } } else { set key "data" } set value [lindex $args end] return [lappend data($key) $value] } # ::struct::graph::__node_unset -- # # Remove a keyed value from a node. # # Arguments: # name name of the graph. # node node to modify. # args additional args: ?-key key? # # Results: # None. proc ::struct::graph::__node_unset {name node {flag -key} {key data}} { if { ![__node_exists $name $node] } { error "node \"$node\" does not exist in graph \"$name\"" } if { ![string match "${flag}*" "-key"] } { error "invalid option \"$flag\": should be \"$name unset\ $node ?-key key?\"" } upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::node${node} data if { [info exists data($key)] } { unset data($key) } return } # ::struct::graph::_nodes -- # # Return a list of all nodes in a graph satisfying some restriction. # # Arguments: # name name of the graph. # args list of options and nodes specifying the restriction. # # Results: # nodes list of nodes proc ::struct::graph::_nodes {name args} { if {[llength $args] == 0} { # No restriction, deliver all. upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::inArcs inArcs return [array names inArcs] } # Get mode and node list set cond [lindex $args 0] set args [lrange $args 1 end] # Validate that the cond is good. switch -glob -- $cond { "-in" { set cond "in" } "-out" { set cond "out" } "-adj" { set cond "adj" } "-inner" { set cond "inner" } "-embedding" { set cond "embedding" } default { error "invalid restriction \"$cond\": should be -in, -out,\ -adj, -inner or -embedding" } } # Validate that there are nodes to use in the restriction. # otherwise what's the point? if {[llength $args] == 0} { set usage "$name nodes ?-in|-out|-adj|-inner|-embedding node node...?" error "no nodes specified: should be \"$usage\"" } # Make sure that the specified nodes exist! foreach node $args { if { ![__node_exists $name $node] } { error "node \"$node\" does not exist in graph \"$name\"" } } # Now we are able to go to work upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::inArcs inArcs upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::outArcs outArcs upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::arcNodes arcNodes set nodes [list] array set coll {} switch -exact -- $cond { in { # Result is all nodes with at least one arc going to # at least one node in the list of arguments. foreach node $args { foreach e $inArcs($node) { set n [lindex $arcNodes($e) 0] if {[info exists coll($n)]} {continue} lappend nodes $n set coll($n) . } } } out { # Result is all nodes with at least one arc coming from # at least one node in the list of arguments. foreach node $args { foreach e $outArcs($node) { set n [lindex $arcNodes($e) 1] if {[info exists coll($n)]} {continue} lappend nodes $n set coll($n) . } } } adj { # Result is all nodes with at least one arc coming from # or going to at least one node in the list of arguments. foreach node $args { foreach e $inArcs($node) { set n [lindex $arcNodes($e) 0] if {[info exists coll($n)]} {continue} lappend nodes $n set coll($n) . } foreach e $outArcs($node) { set n [lindex $arcNodes($e) 1] if {[info exists coll($n)]} {continue} lappend nodes $n set coll($n) . } } } inner { # Result is all nodes from the list! with at least one arc # coming from or going to at least one node in the list of # arguments. array set group {} foreach node $args { set group($node) . } foreach node $args { foreach e $inArcs($node) { set n [lindex $arcNodes($e) 0] if {![info exists group($n)]} {continue} if { [info exists coll($n)]} {continue} lappend nodes $n set coll($n) . } foreach e $outArcs($node) { set n [lindex $arcNodes($e) 1] if {![info exists group($n)]} {continue} if { [info exists coll($n)]} {continue} lappend nodes $n set coll($n) . } } } embedding { # Result is all nodes with at least one arc coming from # or going to at least one node in the list of arguments, # but not in the list itself! array set group {} foreach node $args { set group($node) . } foreach node $args { foreach e $inArcs($node) { set n [lindex $arcNodes($e) 0] if {[info exists group($n)]} {continue} if {[info exists coll($n)]} {continue} lappend nodes $n set coll($n) . } foreach e $outArcs($node) { set n [lindex $arcNodes($e) 1] if {[info exists group($n)]} {continue} if {[info exists coll($n)]} {continue} lappend nodes $n set coll($n) . } } } default {error "Can't happen, panic"} } return $nodes } # ::struct::graph::_swap -- # # Swap two nodes in a graph. # # Arguments: # name name of the graph. # node1 first node to swap. # node2 second node to swap. # # Results: # None. proc ::struct::graph::_swap {name node1 node2} { # Can only swap two real nodes if { ![__node_exists $name $node1] } { error "node \"$node1\" does not exist in graph \"$name\"" } if { ![__node_exists $name $node2] } { error "node \"$node2\" does not exist in graph \"$name\"" } # Can't swap a node with itself if { [string equal $node1 $node2] } { error "cannot swap node \"$node1\" with itself" } # Swapping nodes means swapping their labels, values and arcs upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::outArcs outArcs upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::inArcs inArcs upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::arcNodes arcNodes upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::node${node1} node1Vals upvar ::struct::graph::graph${name}::node${node2} node2Vals # Redirect arcs to the new nodes. foreach e $inArcs($node1) { set arcNodes($e) [lreplace $arcNodes($e) end end $node2] } foreach e $inArcs($node2) { set arcNodes($e) [lreplace $arcNodes($e) end end $node1] } foreach e $outArcs($node1) { set arcNodes($e) [lreplace $arcNodes($e) 0 0 $node2] } foreach e $outArcs($node2) { set arcNodes($e) [lreplace $arcNodes($e) 0 0 $node1] } # Swap arc lists set tmp $inArcs($node1) set inArcs($node1) $inArcs($node2) set inArcs($node2) $tmp set tmp $outArcs($node1) set outArcs($node1) $outArcs($node2) set outArcs($node2) $tmp # Swap the values set value1 [array get node1Vals] unset node1Vals array set node1Vals [array get node2Vals] unset node2Vals array set node2Vals $value1 return } # ::struct::graph::_walk -- # # Walk a graph using a pre-order depth or breadth first # search. Pre-order DFS is the default. At each node that is visited, # a command will be called with the name of the graph and the node. # # Arguments: # name name of the graph. # node node at which to start. # args additional args: ?-order pre|post|both? ?-type {bfs|dfs}? # -command cmd # # Results: # None. proc ::struct::graph::_walk {name node args} { set usage "$name walk $node ?-dir forward|backward?\ ?-order pre|post|both? ?-type {bfs|dfs}? -command cmd" if {[llength $args] > 8 || [llength $args] < 2} { error "wrong # args: should be \"$usage\"" } if { ![__node_exists $name $node] } { error "node \"$node\" does not exist in graph \"$name\"" } # Set defaults set type dfs set order pre set cmd "" set dir forward # Process specified options for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $args]} {incr i} { set flag [lindex $args $i] incr i if { $i >= [llength $args] } { error "value for \"$flag\" missing: should be \"$usage\"" } switch -glob -- $flag { "-type" { set type [string tolower [lindex $args $i]] } "-order" { set order [string tolower [lindex $args $i]] } "-command" { set cmd [lindex $args $i] } "-dir" { set dir [string tolower [lindex $args $i]] } default { error "unknown option \"$flag\": should be \"$usage\"" } } } # Make sure we have a command to run, otherwise what's the point? if { [string equal $cmd ""] } { error "no command specified: should be \"$usage\"" } # Validate that the given type is good switch -glob -- $type { "dfs" { set type "dfs" } "bfs" { set type "bfs" } default { error "invalid search type \"$type\": should be dfs, or bfs" } } # Validate that the given order is good switch -glob -- $order { "both" { set order both } "pre" { set order pre } "post" { set order post } default { error "invalid search order \"$order\": should be both,\ pre or post" } } # Validate that the given direction is good switch -glob -- $dir { "forward" { set dir -out } "backward" { set dir -in } default { error "invalid search direction \"$dir\": should be\ forward or backward" } } # Do the walk set st [list ] lappend st $node array set visited {} if { [string equal $type "dfs"] } { if { [string equal $order "pre"] } { # Pre-order Depth-first search while { [llength $st] > 0 } { set node [lindex $st end] set st [lreplace $st end end] # Evaluate the command at this node set cmdcpy $cmd lappend cmdcpy enter $name $node uplevel 2 $cmdcpy set visited($node) . # Add this node's neighbours (according to direction) # Have to add them in reverse order # so that they will be popped left-to-right set next [_nodes $name $dir $node] set len [llength $next] for {set i [expr {$len - 1}]} {$i >= 0} {incr i -1} { set nextnode [lindex $next $i] if {[info exists visited($nextnode)]} { # Skip nodes already visited continue } lappend st $nextnode } } } elseif { [string equal $order "post"] } { # Post-order Depth-first search while { [llength $st] > 0 } { set node [lindex $st end] if {[info exists visited($node)]} { # Second time we are here, pop it, # then evaluate the command. set st [lreplace $st end end] # Evaluate the command at this node set cmdcpy $cmd lappend cmdcpy leave $name $node uplevel 2 $cmdcpy } else { # First visit. Remember it. set visited($node) . # Add this node's neighbours. set next [_nodes $name $dir $node] set len [llength $next] for {set i [expr {$len - 1}]} {$i >= 0} {incr i -1} { set nextnode [lindex $next $i] if {[info exists visited($nextnode)]} { # Skip nodes already visited continue } lappend st $nextnode } } } } else { # Both-order Depth-first search while { [llength $st] > 0 } { set node [lindex $st end] if {[info exists visited($node)]} { # Second time we are here, pop it, # then evaluate the command. set st [lreplace $st end end] # Evaluate the command at this node set cmdcpy $cmd lappend cmdcpy leave $name $node uplevel 2 $cmdcpy } else { # First visit. Remember it. set visited($node) . # Evaluate the command at this node set cmdcpy $cmd lappend cmdcpy enter $name $node uplevel 2 $cmdcpy # Add this node's neighbours. set next [_nodes $name $dir $node] set len [llength $next] for {set i [expr {$len - 1}]} {$i >= 0} {incr i -1} { set nextnode [lindex $next $i] if {[info exists visited($nextnode)]} { # Skip nodes already visited continue } lappend st $nextnode } } } } } else { if { [string equal $order "pre"] } { # Pre-order Breadth first search while { [llength $st] > 0 } { set node [lindex $st 0] set st [lreplace $st 0 0] # Evaluate the command at this node set cmdcpy $cmd lappend cmdcpy enter $name $node uplevel 2 $cmdcpy set visited($node) . # Add this node's neighbours. foreach child [_nodes $name $dir $node] { if {[info exists visited($child)]} { # Skip nodes already visited continue } lappend st $child } } } else { # Post-order Breadth first search # Both-order Breadth first search # Haven't found anything in Knuth # and unable to define something # consistent for myself. Leave it # out. error "unable to do a ${order}-order breadth first walk" } } return } # ::struct::graph::Union -- # # Return a list which is the union of the elements # in the specified lists. # # Arguments: # args list of lists representing sets. # # Results: # set list representing the union of the argument lists. proc ::struct::graph::Union {args} { switch -- [llength $args] { 0 { return {} } 1 { return [lindex $args 0] } default { foreach set $args { foreach e $set { set tmp($e) . } } return [array names tmp] } } } ################################################################################ # # # BEGINNING OF ACTUAL MUDFEST CODE # # # ################################################################################ ### # # Determine what mode to run in # ### if {$::tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} { switch -glob -- [file tail [info nameofexecutable]] { wish* { set ::mode gui } tclkitsh - tclkitck - cwsh* { set ::mode tui } default { puts stderr "Should be invoked through shell script only, not via [info nameofexecutable]" exit } } } else { set ::mode gui if {![info exists ::tcl_platform(user)] || ![string length [string trim $::tcl_platform(user)]]} { set ::tcl_platform(user) $::tcl_platform(platform) } } ### # # Connection stubs # ### if {![info exists conn]} { array set conn { mud "" irc "" channels "" last_ping "" nick "" } } ### # # Handle basic ANSI colors (needed before text widget is created) # Courtesy: http://mini.net/tcl/1143.html # ### namespace eval ansicolor { namespace export + variable map { bold 1 light 2 blink 5 invert 7 black 30 red 31 green 32 yellow 33 blue 34 magenta 35 cyan 36 white 37 Black 40 Red 41 Green 42 Yellow 43 Blue 44 Magenta 45 Cyan 46 White 47 } proc + {args} { variable map set t 0 foreach i $args { set ix [lsearch -exact $map $i] if {$ix>-1} {lappend t [lindex $map [incr ix]]} } return "\033\[[join $t {;}]m" } proc get {code} { variable map set res [list] foreach i [split $code ";"] { set ix [lsearch -exact $map $i] if {$ix>-1} {lappend res [lindex $map [incr ix -1]]} } return $res } proc text {w args} { variable $w.tags "" eval ::text $w $args rename ::$w ::_$w proc ::$w {cmd args} { regsub -all @ {([^@]*)(@\[([^m]+)m)} \x1b re set self [lindex [info level 0] 0] if {$cmd=="insert"} { foreach {pos text tags} $args break while {[regexp $re $text -> before esc code]} { _$self insert $pos $before [set ansicolor::$self.tags] set ansicolor::$self.tags [ansicolor::get $code] regsub $re $text "" text } _$self insert $pos $text [concat $self.tags $tags] } else { uplevel 1 _$self $cmd $args } } foreach i {black red green yellow blue magenta cyan white} { _$w tag configure $i -foreground $i } foreach i {Black Red Green Yellow Blue Magenta Cyan White} { _$w tag configure $i -background [string tolower $i] } return $w } } ### # # Setup user interface # ### if {![info exists ui]} { array set ui { entry "" history {} pos -1 TIME "TIME: --:-- (~--:--)" HEALTH "HEALTH: --- / ---" STATUS "STATUS: Offline" VIEW "VIEW: All" realtime "--:--" gametime "--:--" hp "---" sp "---" status "Offline" view "All" out,fg white out,fg,gui cornsilk out,bg black mud,fg white mud,bg black irc,fg green irc,bg black sys,fg red sys,bg black tcl,fg magenta tcl,bg black tui_box {ulcorner hline urcorner vline lrcorner llcorner} colspan 4 status_width 18 buf_counter 0 orig_scroll_bg "" orig_scroll_abg "" alt_scroll_bg red alt_scroll_abg magenta gtime_synch_id "" last_keystroke 0 show_prompt_p 0 tui_border_p 1 echo 1 } } # fix for lou's b&w xterm if {[info exists env(TERM)] && [string equal $env(TERM) "xterms"]} { foreach type_of_color [list out mud irc sys tcl] { set ui($type_of_color,fg) white set ui($type_of_color,bg) black } set ui(alt_scroll_bg) white set ui(alt_scroll_abg) white set ui(out,fg,gui) white } # Make sure we have a way to bail out of cwsh if we have to in an emergency if {$mode == "tui"} { bind . exit bind . exit } proc enable {system option} { upvar #0 $system thing set thing(${option}_p) 1 } proc disable {system option} { upvar #0 $system thing set thing(${option}_p) 0 } # # Users own .mudfestrc file # proc .mudfestrc {} { global tcl_platform if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} { set file ~/.mudfestrc } else { set file [file join ~ mudfest.rc] } if {[file exists $file] && [file readable $file]} { if {[info commands buffer->append] != ""} { if {[catch { source $file } result]} { buffer->append sys "Error loading $file:\n$result" } else { buffer->append sys "Loaded $file" } } else { catch { source $file } } } } # load their .mudfestrc .mudfestrc # # Output Buffer # if {[info commands .buffer] == ""} { switch $mode { gui { frame .buffer -borderwidth 1 } tui { frame .buffer -border $ui(tui_box) } } scrollbar .buffer.scroll -command { .buffer.text yview } set ui(orig_scroll_bg) [.buffer.scroll cget -background] set ui(orig_scroll_abg) [.buffer.scroll cget -activebackground] ::ansicolor::text .buffer.text -yscrollcommand { .buffer.scroll set } \ -state disabled \ -takefocus 0 \ -background $ui(mud,bg) \ -width 78 \ -height 18 # the mud will probably look better in a fixed-width font if {$mode == "gui"} { .buffer.text configure -font Courier } # define different colors depending on origin foreach type {mud irc sys tcl out} { if {$mode == "gui" && $type == "out"} { set ui(out,fg) $ui(out,fg,gui) } .buffer.text tag configure $type -wrap word \ -foreground $ui($type,fg) \ -background $ui($type,bg) if {$mode == "tui" && ($type == "sys" || $type == "tcl" || $type == "out")} { .buffer.text tag configure $type -attributes bold } } pack .buffer.scroll -side right -fill y pack .buffer.text -side left -fill both -expand 1 grid configure .buffer -column 0 \ -row 0 \ -columnspan $ui(colspan) \ -sticky news # # Status Bar # set col -1 foreach item [list time health status view] { set ITEM [string toupper $item] label .$item -textvariable ui($ITEM) switch $mode { tui { set ui($ITEM) [format %-$ui(status_width)s $ui($ITEM)] .$item configure -foreground white \ -takefocus 0 \ -width $ui(status_width) } gui { .$item configure -font Courier } } grid configure .$item -row 1 -column [incr col] -sticky w -ipadx 1 } } # Procs & Traces to keep status bar synched properly proc status_bar_synchronize {name1 name2 op} { global ui switch -exact -- $name2 { realtime - gametime { set data [list TIME "$ui(realtime) (~$ui(gametime))"] } hp - sp { set data [list HEALTH \ "[format %3s $ui(hp)] / [format %3s $ui(sp)]"] } status { set data [list STATUS $ui(status)] } view { set data [list VIEW $ui(view)] } default { error "Don't know what to do with \"$name2\"" } } foreach {var value} $data break set ui($var) [format %-$ui(status_width)s "${var}: $value"] } proc realtime {} { global ui set now [clock seconds] set mmss [clock format $now -format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:00"] set next [clock scan "next minute" -base [clock scan $mmss]] set diff [expr {$next - $now}] set ui(realtime) [clock format $now -format "%H:%M"] after [expr {$diff * 1000}] realtime return $diff } proc gametime {} { global ui if {![string equal $ui(gametime) "--:--"]} { set ui(gametime) [clock format [clock scan "1 minute" \ -base [clock scan $ui(gametime)]] -format "%H:%M"] # 10 sec in real time seems to be 1 minute in AA time set ui(gtime_synch_id) [after 10000 gametime] } } if {[trace vinfo ui(gametime)] == ""} { trace variable ui(gametime) w status_bar_synchronize trace variable ui(realtime) w status_bar_synchronize trace variable ui(hp) w status_bar_synchronize trace variable ui(sp) w status_bar_synchronize trace variable ui(status) w status_bar_synchronize trace variable ui(view) w status_bar_synchronize } # fire each trace once realtime foreach trace {gametime realtime hp sp status view} { set ui($trace) $ui($trace) } proc connection_status_synchronization {name1 name2 op} { global conn global ui set status "mud: [string equal $conn(mud) {}],\ irc: [string equal $conn(irc) {}]" set status [string map {1 - 0 +} $status] switch -- $status { "mud: -, irc: -" { set ui(status) "Offline" } "mud: -, irc: +" { set ui(status) "irc only" } "mud: +, irc: -" { set ui(status) "mud only" } "mud: +, irc: +" { set ui(status) "mud+irc" } default { error "Corrupted connection status: \"$status\"" } } # If we're no longer connected to the mud, lets null-ify hp & sp if {$name2 == "conn(mud)" && $conn(mud) == ""} { set ui(hp) --- set ui(sp) --- } } if {[trace vinfo conn(mud)] == ""} { trace variable conn(mud) w connection_status_synchronization trace variable conn(irc) w connection_status_synchronization } # # Input Box # if {[info commands .input] == ""} { if {$mode == "gui"} { frame .input -borderwidth 1 } else { if {$ui(tui_border_p)} { frame .input -border $ui(tui_box) } else { frame .input } } entry .input.entry -width 78 -textvariable ui(entry) pack .input.entry -fill x -expand 1 grid configure .input -column 0 -row 2 -sticky ew -columnspan $ui(colspan) # Finish up the initial interface focus .input.entry update bind .input.entry { .buffer.text yview scroll -1 pages } bind .input.entry { .buffer.text yview scroll 1 pages if {[llength [.buffer.text bbox "end - 1 char"]]} { .buffer.scroll configure -background $::ui(orig_scroll_bg) .buffer.scroll configure -activebackground $::ui(orig_scroll_abg) } } } proc last_keystroke {name1 name2 op} { global ui set ui(last_keystroke) [clock seconds] } trace variable ui(entry) w last_keystroke # # Toggle between modes (GUI only) # proc view->toggle {desired} { global ui if {[string equal $desired $ui(view)]} { return } switch -- $desired { All { set elide? [list 0 0 0 0] } MUD { set elide? [list 0 1 1 1] } IRC { set elide? [list 1 0 1 1] } SYS { set elide? [list 1 1 0 1] } TCL { set elide? [list 1 1 1 0] } default { error "Do not know how to toggle to \"$desired\" view" } } foreach tag {mud irc sys tcl} elide_p ${elide?} { .buffer.text tag configure $tag -elide $elide_p } .buffer.text see "end - 1 char" set ui(view) $desired } # cwsh doesn't seem to support and it doesn't have -elide on tags if {$mode == "gui"} { bind . "" { view->toggle All } bind . "" { view->toggle MUD } bind . "" { view->toggle IRC } bind . "" { view->toggle SYS } bind . "" { view->toggle TCL } } ### # # Handle user input # ### proc entry->process {{append 1}} { global ui set entry $ui(entry) if {[string equal [string trim $entry] ""]} { set ui(entry) "" / $entry return } set ui(entry) "" if {![string equal [lindex $ui(history) end] $entry] && $append} { if {$ui(echo)} { incr ui(pos) lappend ui(history) $entry } } set commands {} set entry [string map [list " ;" \x00] $entry] set running_pause 0 foreach entry [split $entry \x00] { regexp {^(;+)([^;].*)?$} $entry => pause entry # pause 1/4 sec between command invocations if {[info exists pause]} { incr running_pause [expr {[string length $pause] * 250}] unset pause } if {[regexp {^(/\S+|@)\s*(.*)$} $entry => proc input]} { set proc [string map [list \\ \\\\ * \\* ? \\?] $proc] # does this command exist? if {[llength [info commands $proc]] == 1} { set proc [string map [list \\ ""] $proc] set input [string trim $input] lappend commands [list $proc $input] $running_pause } else { # this command was not registered lappend commands bell $running_pause lappend commands \ [list buffer->append sys "No command for: $entry"] \ $running_pause } } else { # must be plain old standard input destined for the mud lappend commands [list / [string trim $entry]] $running_pause } } # schedule the commands foreach {command when} $commands { if {$when} { after $when $command } else { eval $command } } } # some bindings available in gui (wish) aren't available in tui (cwsh) foreach keysm [list ] { catch { bind .input.entry $keysm entry->process } } proc entry->history keysm { global ui switch -- $keysm { Up - KP_Up { set offset -1 } Down - KP_Down { set offset 1 } default { error "Don't know how to handle <$keysm>" } } set size [llength $ui(history)] # Do we have any history? if {$size == 0} { return [bell] } # We can't advance if we are at the end if {$offset == 1 && ($ui(pos) + 1 == $size)} { return [bell] } # special case if {$offset == -1 && $ui(pos) == 0 && [string equal [string trim $ui(entry)] ""]} { set offset 0 } # We can't go back if we are already at the beginning if {$offset == -1 && $ui(pos) == 0} { return [bell] } # Was there pending input? if {![string equal [string trim $ui(entry)] ""]} { if {$ui(echo)} { if {$ui(pos) + 1 == $size} { # If we were at the bottom, add it to the history if {![string equal [lindex $ui(history) end] $ui(entry)]} { lappend ui(history) $ui(entry) incr ui(pos) } } else { # If we weren't at the bottom we update in place if {![string equal [lindex $ui(history) $ui(pos)] $ui(entry)]} { set ui(history) \ [lreplace $ui(history) $ui(pos) $ui(pos) $ui(entry)] } } } } else { # No pending input? We won't bother going anywhere set offset 0 } incr ui(pos) $offset set ui(entry) [lindex $ui(history) $ui(pos)] } # some bindings available in gui (wish) aren't available in tui (cwsh) foreach keysm [list ] { catch { bind .input.entry $keysm {entry->history %K} } } ### # # Output Buffer # ### proc buffer->append {kind input} { global ui global last_kind global no_new_line_p if {$kind != "mud" && $kind != "irc" && $kind != "sys" && $kind != "tcl" && $kind != "out"} { error "Do not know how to handle \"$kind\" input!" } if {![info exists last_kind]} { set last_kind {} } if {![info exists no_new_line_p]} { set no_new_line_p 0 } if {[string length [string trim $input]] == 0} then return set end_visible_p [llength [.buffer.text bbox "end - 1 char"]] set input [string trimright $input] if {$ui(buf_counter) && (($kind == "mud" && !$no_new_line_p) || $kind != "mud")} { set input "\n$input" } set last_kind $kind .buffer.text configure -state normal -takefocus 1 .buffer.text insert end $input $kind .buffer.text configure -state disabled -takefocus 0 incr ui(buf_counter) if {$end_visible_p} { .buffer.text see "end - 1 char" .buffer.scroll configure -background $ui(orig_scroll_bg) .buffer.scroll configure -activebackground $ui(orig_scroll_abg) } else { .buffer.scroll configure -background $ui(alt_scroll_bg) .buffer.scroll configure -activebackground $ui(alt_scroll_abg) } } ### # # Filters # ### if {![info exists filters]} { array set filters {mud {} irc {}} } proc filter->register {kind name flow_control regexp} { global filters set proc filter->${kind}->$name if {$kind != "mud" && $kind != "irc"} { error "Unknown kind of filter: \"$kind\" should be mud or irc" } if [catch { regexp -about $regexp } error] { error "Bad regular expression for $kind filter:\n$error" } switch -exact -- $flow_control { 0 { set flow_control break } 1 { set flow_control continue } } if {$flow_control != "continue" && $flow_control != "break"} { error "Bad flow control: \"$flow_control\", should be control or break" } set pos 0 set updated_p 0 foreach {__re __proc __flow_control} $filters($kind) { if {[string equal $proc $__proc]} { set filters($kind) [lreplace $filters($kind) \ $pos [expr {$pos + 2}] $regexp $proc $flow_control] set updated_p 1 break } incr pos 3 } if {!$updated_p} { set filters($kind) [linsert $filters($kind) 0 \ $regexp $proc $flow_control] } } proc filter->mud->hp/sp_prompt match { global ui foreach key {whole hp sp rest} val $match { set $key [string trim $val] } if {![string equal $hp $ui(hp)]} { set ui(hp) $hp } if {![string equal $sp $ui(sp)]} { set ui(sp) $sp } if {[string length $rest]} { buffer->append mud $rest } } proc filter->mud->hp/sp_combat match { global ui foreach {whole hp sp} $match break if {![string equal $hp $ui(hp)]} { set ui(hp) $hp } if {![string equal $sp $ui(sp)]} { set ui(sp) $sp } } proc filter->mud->notice match { foreach {whole what_you_saw} $match break if {[regexp "you have already carved your name" $what_you_saw]} { return } if {[regexp { (palm|plant) } $what_you_saw]} { buffer->append sys "*** ROUGE WARNING: $what_you_saw ***" bell } if {[regexp {^.+[.!?]\s*\S} $what_you_saw]} { return } outgoing->mud ":notices $what_you_saw" } proc filter->mud->gametime match { global ui foreach {whole time} $match break set ui(gametime) [clock format [clock scan $time] -format "%H:%M"] if {$ui(gtime_synch_id) != ""} { after cancel $ui(gtime_synch_id) } set ui(gtime_synch_id) [after 10000 gametime] } proc filter->mud->orc_patrol match { global ui if {[string is integer -strict $ui(hp)] && $ui(hp) <= 20} { outgoing->mud "quit" buffer->append sys "Emergency Self-Preservation Quit Taken\ (HP too low to reliably escape Orc Patrol)" } elseif {($ui(last_keystroke) + 120) < [clock seconds]} { outgoing->mud "quit" buffer->append sys "Emergency Self-Preservation Quit Taken\ (inactive > 120 seconds when Orc Patrol arrived)" } else { set stars [string repeat * 20] buffer->append sys "$stars WARNING ORC PATROL $stars" } for {set i 1} {$i <= 3} {incr i} { bell } } proc filter->mud->login match { outgoing->mud "time" # outgoing->mud "ansi off" # outgoing->mud "eline *" } proc filter->mud->fumar match { global tcl_platform if {$tcl_platform(user) == "michael"} { outgoing->mud "refill pipe" outgoing->mud "smoke pipe" } else { buffer->append sys \ "[string repeat = 20]> Your Pipe Went Out <[string repeat = 20]" } } proc filter->mud->anti-rouge match { foreach {whole who what} $match break buffer->append sys "*** ROUGE WARNING: $whole ***" bell outgoing->mud ":just caught $who $what!" outgoing->mud "tell $who Give me cash or be bountied..." } proc filter->mud->echo-off match { global ui set ui(echo) 0 } proc filter->mud->echo-on match { global ui set ui(echo) 1 } proc filter->mud->gclaim match { after 4000 [list buffer->append sys "You can now gclaim again"] } proc filter->mud->fast-relogin match { after 1000 /mud connect } filter->register mud hp/sp_prompt $::ui(show_prompt_p) \ {^\s*(\d+)\s*:\s*(\d+)\s*>\s*(.+)$} filter->register mud hp/sp_combat continue {^HP:\s+(\d+)\s+SP:\s+(\d+)\s*$} filter->register mud gametime continue {^Game time is:\s+(\d\d?:\d\d [ap]m)\s*$} filter->register mud orc_patrol continue {(?i)^An Orc Patrol Leader} filter->register mud login continue {(?i)^Your last login was \d} filter->register mud fumar continue {(?i)^The pipe is empty and goes out} filter->register mud notice continue {(?i)^You notice (.+)$} filter->register mud anti-rouge continue {(?i)^You glance back and catch (\S+) (attempting to \S+) } filter->register mud echo-off continue [format %c%c%c 255 251 1] filter->register mud echo-on continue [format %c%c%c 255 252 1] filter->register mud gclaim continue {You pile up some stones to form a cairn} #filter->register mud fast-relogin continue {^Closing down.\s*$} ### # # I/O to mud & irc # ### proc incoming->mud {} { global conn global filters global debug_p global no_new_line_p if {$conn(mud) == ""} { return -1 } if {$debug_p >= 3} { buffer->append sys "[clock format [clock seconds] -format "%H:%M:%S"]:\ conn $conn(mud), eof: [eof $conn(mud)]" } if {[eof $conn(mud)]} { buffer->append sys "End of file detected on connection to mud.\ (Received $conn(mud_bytes) bytes)" update idletasks catch { close $conn(mud) } set conn(mud) "" # if {$conn(mud_bytes) == 0} { # after 1000 /mud connect # } return -1 } if {$conn(mud_bytes) == 0} { if {[catch { set line [gets $conn(mud)] }]} then return if {[string length $line] == 0} then return } else { set line [gets $conn(mud)] set line [string map -nocase [list \x66\x75\x63\x6b f***] $line] } if {$conn(mud_bytes) == 0} { buffer->append sys "Connection established ($conn(mud))" } incr conn(mud_bytes) [string length $line] if {[fblocked $conn(mud)]} { while {[string length [set c [read $conn(mud) 1]]] && $c != "\n"} { append line $c } if {$c != "\n"} { set no_new_line_p 1 } else { set no_new_line_p 0 } } else { append line \n set no_new_line_p 0 } if {[string length $line]} { return [incoming mud $line] } else { return -1 } } proc incoming {from line} { global filters if {![info exists filters($from)]} { return -1 } foreach {regexp command flow_control} $filters($from) { if {$::debug_p >= 4} { buffer->append sys "Filter Reg Exp: $regexp" buffer->append sys "Filter Command: $command" buffer->append sys "Filter FlowControl: $flow_control" } regsub -all -- {\x1b\[[^m]+m} $line "" ansi_free_line if {[regexp -- $regexp $ansi_free_line]} { if {$::debug_p >= 4} { buffer->append sys "Filter Succeeded" buffer->append sys "Invoking:\ $command [regexp -inline -all -- $regexp $ansi_free_line]" } $command [regexp -inline -all -- $regexp $ansi_free_line] switch -- $flow_control { break { break } continue { continue } default { error "Unknown flow control: \"$flow_control\"" } } } else { if {$::debug_p >= 4} { buffer->append sys "Filter Failed on \"$ansi_free_line\"" } unset regexp unset command unset flow_control } } # see if we need to take default action if {![info exists flow_control] || $flow_control == "continue"} { buffer->append $from $line } return [string length $line] } proc outgoing->mud what { global conn global ui global debug_p if {$conn(mud) == "" || [eof $conn(mud)]} { bell return } if {$debug_p >= 2} { buffer->append sys [list puts $conn(mud) $what] } puts $conn(mud) $what if {$ui(echo)} { buffer->append out $what } } proc connected->mud {} { global conn global ui fileevent $conn(mud) writable {} if {$conn(irc) != ""} { set ui(status) "mud+irc" } else { set ui(status) "mud only" } buffer->append sys "Connected to the mud." } proc irc->ping pong { global conn if {$::debug_p >= 2} { buffer->append sys "PONG: $pong" } $conn(irc) send "PONG [string trim $pong :]" set conn(irc,last_ping) [clock seconds] } proc irc->EOF args { global conn bell buffer->append sys "IRC connection closed by remote server" set conn(irc) "" set conn(channels) "" } proc incoming->irc {what who {rest ""}} { global conn set who [string trimleft $who :] set channel [lindex $conn(channels) end] if {[string length $rest] == 0} { set rest $who set who "" } if {[string equal PRIVMSG $what] && [regexp {^(\S+) :(.*)$} $rest => dest text]} { foreach who [split $who !] break set public_p [string match "#*" $dest] set curr_p [string equal $dest $channel] set emote_p [regexp "(?:\x01|\\x01)ACTION (.*)(?:\x01|\\x01)" \ $text => text] switch [join [list $public_p $emote_p $curr_p] ,] { 1,1,1 { set prefix "* $who" } 1,1,0 { set prefix "* ${who}:$dest" } 1,0,1 { set prefix "<$who>" } 1,0,0 { set prefix "<${who}:$dest>" } 0,1,1 { set prefix "\[* $who\]" } 0,1,0 { set prefix "\[* $who\]" } 0,0,1 { set prefix "\[$who\]" } 0,0,0 { set prefix "\[$who\]" } default { error "Impossible condition" } } set irc_output "$prefix $text" } else { set irc_output [list $what $who $rest] } lappend ::conn(irc_history) $irc_output buffer->append irc $irc_output } ### # # /commands ... # ### proc /irchistory input { global conn if {![info exists conn(irc_history)]} { bell buffer->append sys "No irc history to display" return } set input [string trim $input] if {![string is integer -strict $input] || $input < 1} { set input 8 } set length [llength $conn(irc_history)] if {$input >= $length} { set start 0 } else { set start [expr {$length - $input}] } buffer->append sys "" foreach entry [lrange $conn(irc_history) $start end] { buffer->append irc "$entry" } buffer->append sys "" } interp alias {} /irchist {} /irchistory proc /mud input { global conn global ui if {[regexp {^connect(?:\s+(\S+)(?:\s+(\d+)?)?)?$} $input => host port]} { if {[string equal $host ""]} { set host ancient.anguish.org } if {[string equal $port ""]} { set port 2222 } if {$conn(mud) != ""} { buffer->append sys \ "You are already connected to a mud! Disconnect first" } else { buffer->append sys "Attempting to connect to $host (port $port)..." set conn(mud) [socket -async $host $port] fconfigure $conn(mud) -buffering none -blocking 0 set conn(mud_bytes) 0 fileevent $conn(mud) readable incoming->mud vwait conn(mud_bytes) fileevent $conn(mud) writable connected->mud vwait ui(status) } } elseif {[string equal disconnect $input]} { if {$conn(mud) != ""} { catch { flush $conn(mud) } catch { close $conn(mud) } set conn(mud) "" buffer->append sys "Connection to mud closed." } else { buffer->append sys "No open mud connection to close." } } elseif {[string length $input] == 0} { if {$conn(mud) == ""} { buffer->append sys "You are not currently connected to the mud." } else { buffer->append sys "You are connected to the mud." } } else { bell buffer->append sys "Huh? What does: \"/mud $input\" mean?" } } proc /irc input { global conn set input [string trim $input] if {[regexp {^connect(?:\s+(\S+)(?:\s+(\d+)?)?)?$} $input => host port]} { if {$conn(irc) != ""} { bell buffer->append sys "Already connected to an IRC server(!)" return } if {[string equal $host ""]} { set host } if {[string equal $port ""]} { set port 6667 } package require irc set conn(irc) [::irc::connection $host $port] buffer->append sys \ "Attempting to connect to irc server $host on port $port" $conn(irc) connect $conn(irc) user $::tcl_platform(user) [info hostname] \ "mudfest mud+irc Tcl client ($::mode mode)" $conn(irc) registerevent PING irc->ping $conn(irc) registerevent EOF irc->EOF $conn(irc) registerevent defaultevent incoming->irc $conn(irc) registerevent defaultcmd incoming->irc buffer->append sys "Connected on IRC. Use /nick then /join now." } elseif {[string equal "disconnect" $input]} { if {$conn(irc) == ""} { bell buffer->append sys \ "You can't disconnect to irc because you aren't connected!" return } foreach channel $conn(channels) { $conn(irc) part $channel } set proc $conn(irc) if {[regexp {^(irc::irc\d+::[^:]+::)network$} $proc => namespace]} { if {[info exists ${namespace}::sock]} { catch { close [set ${namespace}::sock] } } } set conn(irc) "" set conn(channels) "" set conn(nick) "" buffer->append sys "Connection to irc server closed." } else { bell buffer->append sys "Didn't understand /irc as given." } } proc /nick input { global conn if {$conn(irc) == ""} { bell buffer->append sys "Cannot set /nick; not connected to IRC yet." return } if {![string is word -strict $input]} { bell buffer->append sys "Invalid irc nickname: \"$input\"" return } $conn(irc) nick $input set conn(nick) $input } proc /join input { global conn if {$conn(irc) == ""} { bell buffer->append sys "Cannot join a channel; not connected to IRC yet." return } set input [string tolower $input] if {![string is word -strict [string range $input 1 end]] || ![string equal "#" [string range $input 0 0]]} { bell buffer->append sys "Invalid channel: \"$input\"" return } set pos [lsearch -exact $conn(channels) $input] if {$pos == -1} { $conn(irc) join $input } else { set conn(channels) [lreplace $conn(channels) $pos $pos] buffer->append sys "Default channel is now $input" } lappend ::conn(channels) $input } proc /msg input { global conn if {$conn(irc) == ""} { bell buffer->append sys "You are not connected to an irc server." return } if {![regexp {^\s*(\S+)\s+(.+)$} $input => destination message]} { bell return } set destination [string tolower $destination] if {[string range $destination 0 0] == "#"} { if {[lsearch $conn(channels) $destination] == -1} { bell buffer->append sys "You are not on channel $destination" return } if {[lindex $conn(channels) end] == $destination} { buffer->append irc "<$conn(nick)> $message" } else { buffer->append irc "<$conn(nick):$destination> $message" } } else { buffer->append irc "<->$destination> $message" } $conn(irc) privmsg $destination $message } proc /say input { global conn if {$conn(irc) == ""} { bell buffer->append sys "You are not connected to an irc server." return } if {$conn(channels) == ""} { bell buffer->append sys "You are not currently on an irc channel." return } $conn(irc) privmsg [lindex $conn(channels) end] $input lappend ::conn(irc_history) "<$conn(nick)> $input" buffer->append irc "<$conn(nick)> $input" } interp alias {} @ {} /say proc /me input { global conn if {$conn(irc) == ""} { bell buffer->append sys "You are not connected to an irc server." return } if {$conn(channels) == ""} { bell buffer->append sys "You are not on an irc channel." return } set emote \x01 append emote "ACTION " append emote $input append emote \x01 $conn(irc) privmsg [lindex $conn(channels) end] $emote lappend ::conn(irc_history) "* $conn(nick) $input" buffer->append irc "* $conn(nick) $input" } proc /quit input { catch { / quit } catch { /mud disconnect } catch { /part #mud } after 200 exit update idletasks update } proc /abort input { exit } proc / input { global conn global ui if {$conn(mud) != ""} { outgoing->mud $input } else { buffer->append sys $input } } proc /eval input { if {[info complete $input]} { buffer->append tcl "% $input" catch { eval $input } result buffer->append tcl $result } else { bell buffer->append sys "Unable to evaluate -- command not complete: $input" } } # make /tcl a synonym of /eval interp alias {} /tcl {} /eval proc /reload input { if {[string length $input]} { bell buffer->append sys "Reload doesn't know how to take any arguments yet" } else { buffer->append sys "Attempting to reload $::script ..." uplevel #0 source $::script buffer->append sys "... $::script reloaded!" } } proc /go input { if {[string equal $input ""]} { return } foreach move [split $input ,] { set move [string trim $move] if {[regexp {^(\d+)(\D+)$} $move => ntimes action]} { for {set i 1} {$i <= $ntimes} {incr i} { outgoing->mud [string trim $action] } } else { outgoing->mud [string trim $move] } } } proc /back input { global / if {[info exists /(back)]} { /from [set /(back)] } } proc /sback input { global / if {[info exists /(back)]} { /scut [set /(back)] } } proc /directions input { if {![regexp {^\s*(\S+),?\s+(\S+)\s*$} $input => origin dest]} { bell buffer->append sys "Huh? Where did you want to go?" return } set go [AA-routes $origin $dest] if {$go != ""} { buffer->append sys "[string toupper "$origin -> $dest:"] $go" return } set to_xr [AA-routes $origin xroads] set from_xr [AA-routes xroads $dest] if {$to_xr != "" && $from_xr != ""} { buffer->append sys "[string toupper "$origin -> XROADS:"] $to_xr" buffer->append sys "[string toupper "XROADS -> $dest:"] $from_xr" return } bell buffer->append sys \ "Can't figure out how to get from \"$origin\" to \"$dest\" ..." } proc /from input { global / if {![regexp {^\s*(\S+),?\s+(\S+)\s*$} $input => origin dest]} { bell buffer->append sys "Huh? Where did you want to go?" return } set go [AA-routes $origin $dest] if {$go != ""} { set /(back) "$dest $origin" return [/go $go] } set to_xr [AA-routes $origin xroads] set from_xr [AA-routes xroads $dest] if {$to_xr != "" && $from_xr != ""} { /go $to_xr /go $from_xr set /(back) "$dest $origin" return } bell buffer->append sys \ "Can't figure out how to get from \"$origin\" to \"$dest\" ..." } proc /decorpse input { set input [string trim $input] if {![string is integer -strict $input]} { set input 1 } foreach verb [list scalp skin pluck carve gut] { outgoing->mud "$verb corpse $input" } outgoing->mud "open pack" foreach thing [list "all pelt" sinew feathers meat scalp] { outgoing->mud "put $thing in pack" } # outgoing->mud "close pack" } interp alias {} /dc {} /decorpse interp alias {} /decorp {} /decorpse proc /pipe input { if {[string equal $input ""]} { set input "parkraz" } knights-pack-pre outgoing->mud "get $input from pack" outgoing->mud "get pipe from pack" outgoing->mud "refill pipe" outgoing->mud "light pipe" outgoing->mud "put $input in pack" knights-pack-post } proc /ears input { knights-pack-pre outgoing->mud "get bag from pack" outgoing->mud "put all ears in bag" outgoing->mud "examine bag" outgoing->mud "put bag in pack" knights-pack-post } interp alias {} /ear {} /ears proc /et input { if {![string is integer -strict $input] || $input <= 0} { set input 1 } outgoing->mud "trophy corpse $input" /ears $input } proc /brawl input { if {[string equal $input ""]} { set input "sword" } outgoing->mud "remove shield" outgoing->mud "unwield $input" outgoing->mud "brawl" } proc /unbrawl { {weapon "sword"} {num "1"}} { outgoing->mud "brawl" outgoing->mud "wield $weapon $num" outgoing->mud "wear shield" } proc /lpack input { outgoing->mud "open pack" outgoing->mud "examine pack" # outgoing->mud "close pack" } # Make an alias interp alias {} /ipack {} /lpack proc /gpack input { if {[string equal [string trim $input] ""]} { knights-pack-post } else { outgoing->mud "open pack" outgoing->mud "get $input from pack" # outgoing->mud "close pack" } } proc /gpack! input { knights-pack-pre outgoing->mud "get $input from pack" knights-pack-post } proc /ppack input { outgoing->mud "open pack" outgoing->mud "put $input in pack" # outgoing->mud "close pack" } proc /dump input { set input [string trim $input] if {[string length $input] == 0} { set input [file join [pwd] mudfest.log] } catch { set fp [open $input w] puts $fp [.buffer.text get 1.0 end] close $fp } message if {$message == ""} { buffer->append sys "Saved buffer to $input" } else { bell buffer->append sys "Error occured while saving buffer: $message" } } proc /feed input { } proc /version input { global RCSID buffer->append sys "Version Info: $RCSID" } proc knights-pack-pre {} { outgoing->mud "open pack" outgoing->mud "unkeep pack" outgoing->mud "drop pack" } proc /rpack input { knights-pack-pre } proc /dpack input { knights-pack-pre } proc /wpack input { knights-pack-post } proc knights-pack-post {} { outgoing->mud "get pack" outgoing->mud "wear pack" outgoing->mud "keep pack" # outgoing->mud "close pack" } proc AA-routes {origin dest} { set origin [string tolower $origin] set dest [string tolower $dest] if {[string equal $origin xr]} { set origin xroads } if {[string equal $dest xr]} { set dest xroads } # Good source of directions: http://www.lividity.org/omniscent/dirs.html # Significantly expanded routes courtesy of Telcontar (aka ...) switch -exact -- $origin,$dest { nep,xroads - nepeth,xroads { set go "3s, e, 6s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,nepeth - xroads,nep { set go "11w, n, w, 6n, w, 3n" } nepflower,xroads - nepethflowershop,xroads { set go "n, 2e, 3s, e, 6s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,nepethflowershop - xroads,nepflower { set go "11w, n, w, 6n, w, 3n, 2w, s" } nepbar,xroads - nepinnbar,xroads - nepancientblissinnbar,xroads - nepethinnbar,xroads { set go "s, e, s, 2e, 3s, e, 6s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,nepbar - xroads,nepinnbar - xroads,nepancientblissinnbar - xroads,nepethinnbar { set go "11w, n, w, 6n, w, 3n, 2w, n, w, n" } nepbard,xroads - nepinnbard,xroads - nepancientblissinnbard,xroads - nepethinnbard,xroads { set go "w, s, 2e, 3s, e, 6s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,nepbard - xroads,nepinnbard - xroads,nepancientblissinnbard - xroads,nepethinnbard { set go "11w, n, w, 6n, w, 3n, 2w, n, e" } nepbutcher,xroads - nepethbutcher,xroads { set go "w, s, 2w, 3s, e, 6s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,nepethbutcher - xroads,nepbutcher { set go "11w, n, w, 6n, w, 3n, 2e, n, e" } neplaw,xroads - nepsheriff,xroads - nepethsheriff,xroads { set go "open w, 3w, 3s, e, 6s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,nepethsheriff - xroads,neplaw - xroads,nepsheriff { set go "11w, n, w, 6n, w, 3n, 2e, open e, e" } nep,nepshop - nepeth,nepshop { set go "4n, 2w, n" } nepshop,nep - nepshop,nepeth { set go "s, 2e, 4s" } nepethshop,xroads - nepshop,xroads { set go "s, 2e, 7s, e, 6s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,nepethshop - xroads,nepshop { set go "11w, n, w, 6n, w, 7n, 2w, n" } knights,xroads - knightsguild,xroads - kg,xroads { set go "2s, open oak door, 8s, e, 6s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,knights - xroads,knightsguild - xroads,kg { set go "11w, n, w, 6n, w, 7n, open oak door, 3n" } knightsden,xroads - kden,xroads { set go "w, 2s, open south, 8s, e, 6s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,knightsden - xroads,kden { set go "11w, n, w, 6n, w, 7n, open north, 3n, e" } knightshop,xroads - kshop,xroads { set go "e, 3s, open oak door, 8s, e, 6s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,knightshop - xroads,kshop { set go "11w, n, w, 6n, w, 7n, open oak door, 4n, w" } misha,xroads { set go "2s, w, open west, w, open south, 8s, e, 6s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,misha { set go "11w, n, w, 6n, w, 7n, open north, n, open east, 2e, 2n" } earclerk,xroads - albert,xroads { set go "e, 2s, open oak door, 8s, e, 6s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,earclerk - xroads,albert { set go "11w, n, w, 6n, w, 7n, open oak door, 3n, w" } phall,xroads { set go "out, mount horse, 2w, 3s, 5w, 6s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,phall { set go "11w, n, w, 6n, 5e, 3n, 2e, dismount horse, enter" } phall,neville { set go "out, 3s, e, n" } neville,phall { set go "s, w, 3n, enter hall" } samantha,xroads { set go "e, out, 2w, 3s, 5w, 6s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,samantha { set go "11w, n, w, 6n, 5e, 3n, 2e, enter, w" } samantha,picckard { set go "e, out, 3s, e, 2n, 2e, s" } picckard,samantha { set go "n, 2w, 2s, w, 3n, enter hall, w" } pestates,xroads { set go "sw, 4n, 5e, 5n, 11e" } xroads,pestates { set go "11w, 5s, 5w, 4s, ne" } balan,xroads { set go "2e, 2s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,balan { set go "11w, n, w, 2n, 2w" } xroads,andeli { set go "11w, n, w, 6n, 5e, 18n, 10w, 3u" } andeli,xroads { set go "3d, 10e, 18s, 5w, 6s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,greenhaven { set go "11w, n, w, 6n, 5e, 17n, 12w, 5nw, 4w" } greenhaven,xroads { set go "4e, 5se, 12e, 17s, 5w, 6s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,zhamarr { set go "11w, n, w, 6n, 5e, 18n, w, 2n, 17w" } zhamarr,xroads { set go "17e, 2s, e, 18s, 5w, 6s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,gnolltemple - xroads,gnoll { set go "11w, n, w, 6n, 5e, 18n, 9w, 10n, 6e, ne" } gnoll,xroads - gnolltemple,xroads { set go "sw, 6w, 10s, 9e, 18s, 5w, 6s, e, s, 11e" } hob,xroads - hobbitat,xroads { set go "19s, 5w, 6s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,hob - xroads,hobbitat { set go "11w, n, w, 6n, 5e, 19n" } hobbarbershop,xroads - hobhair - hobbarber,xroads { set go "3w, 2n, e, 2s, w, 18s, 5w, 6s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,hobbarbershop - xroads,hobhair - xroads,hobbarber { set go "11w, n, w, 6n, 5e, 18n, e, 2n, w, 2s, 3e" } hobbank,xroads - hobbitatbank,xroads { set go "2e, 2n, e, 2s, w, 18s, 5w, 6s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,hobbank - xroads,hobbitatbank { set go "11w, n, w, 6n, 5e, 18n, e, 2n, w, 2s, 2w" } hobshop,xroads - hobbitatshop,xroads { set go "w, sw, 20s, 5w, 6s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,hobshop - xroads,hobbitatshop { set go "11w, n, w, 6n, 5e, 20n, ne, e" } hobstore,xroads - hobbitatstore,xroads { set go "w, nw, 2w, s, sw, 20s, 5w, 6s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,hobstore - xroads,hobbitatstore { set go "11w, n, w, 6n, 5e, 20n, ne, n, 2e, se, e" } growle,xroads - bearguild,xroads - blackbear,xroads { set go "2n, 2e, 2s, 9e, 18s, 5w, 6s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,growle - xroads,bearguild - xroads,blackbear { set go "11w, n, w, 6n, 5e, 18n, 9w, 2n, 2w, 2s" } sequin,xroads - bearchutes,xroads - bchutes,xroads { set go "w, 3n, 2e, 2s, 9e, 18s, 5w, 6s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,sequin - xroads,bearchutes - xroads,bchutes { set go "11w, n, w, 6n, 5e, 18n, 9w, 2n, 2w, 3s, e" } musicman,xroads - questmusicman,xroads { set go "d, s, w, 7s, 9e, 18s, 5w, 6s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,musicman - xroads,questmusicman { set go "11w, n, w, 6n, 5e, 18n, 9w, 7n, e, n, u" } hobbitat,thranarack - hobbitat,dwarvenvillage - hobbitat,dwarfvillage - hob,thranarack - hob,dwarvenvillage - hob,dwarfvillage { set go "s, 9w, 2n, 4w, 3n" } thranarack,hobbitat - dwarvenvillage,hobbitat - dwarfvillage,hobbitat - thranarack,hob - dwarvenvillage,hob - dwarfvillage,hob { set go "3s, 4e, 2s, 9e, n" } dwarvenvillage,bearguild - dwarfvillage,bearguild - thranarack,bearguild - dwarvenvillage,blackbear - dwarfvillage,blackbear - dwarvenvillage,growle - dwarfvillage,growle - thranarack,growle { set go "3s, 2e, 2s" } bearguild,dwarvenvillage - bearguild,dwarfvillage - bearguild,thranarack - blackbear,dwarvenvillage - blackbear,dwarfvillage - blackbear,thranarack - growle,dwarvenvillage - growle,dwarfvillage - growle,thranarack { set go "2n, 2w, 3n" } zhou,xroads - zhao,xroads { set go "w, 13s, 5w, 6s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,zhao - xroads,zhou { set go "11w, n, w, 6n, 5e, 13n, e" } nev,xroads - neville,xroads { set go "s, 8w, 6s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,nev - xroads,neville { set go "11w, n, w, 6n, 8e, n" } neville,picckard { set go "n, 2e, s" } picckard,neville { set go "n, 2w, s" } nevinn,xroads - nevilleancientinn,xroads - nevilleinn,xroads { set go "n, w, 2s, 8w, 6s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,nevinn - xroads,nevilleancientinn - xroads,neville { set go "11w, n, w, 6n, 8e, 2n, e, s" } nevlaw,xroads - picckard,xroads - nevconst,xroads - nevjail,xroads - nevillejail,xroads { set go "n, 2w, 2s, 8w, 6s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,nevlaw - xroads,picckard - xroads,nevconst - xroads,nevjail - xroads,neville { set go "11w, n, w, 6n, 8e, 2n, 2e, s" } oterim,xroads - nevsage,xroads - nevillesage,xroads { set go "s, 2w, 2s, 8w, 6s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,oterim - xroads,nevsage - xroads,nevillesage { set go "11w, n, w, 6n, 8e, 2n, 2e, n" } cx,xroads { set go "e, n, 2w" } xroads,cx { set go "2e, s, w" } cp,xroads { set go "u, e, n, 2w" } xroads,cp { set go "2e, s, w, d" } arena,xroads - brawlarena,xroads { set go "s, w, s" } xroads,arena - xroads,brawlarena { set go "n, e, n" } academy,xroads - trainingacademy,xroads - brawltrain,xroads { set go "w, s" } xroads,academy - xroads,trainingacademy - xroads,brawltrain { set go "n, e" } fhall,xroads - fightershall,xroads - fighters,xroads - fightersguild,xroads { set go "e, 2s" } xroads,fhall - xroads,fightershall - xroads,fighters - xroads,fightersguild { set go "2n, w" } raven,xroads - bakery,xroads { set go "n, 2w, 5s" } xroads,raven - xroads,bakery { set go "5n, 2e, s" } ngate,xroads - northgate,xroads { set go "6s" } xroads,ngate - xroads,northgate { set go "6n" } decker,xroads - shop,xroads { set go "s, e" } xroads,decker - xroads,shop { set go "w, n" } adventurersguild,xroads - advguild,xroads { set go "n, e" } xroads,adventurersguild - xroads,advguild { set go "w, s" } paperboy,xroads { set go "3e" } xroads,paperboy { set go "3w" } bank,xroads { set go "w, n, 3e" } xroads,bank { set go "3w, s, e" } postoffice,xroads { set go "2n, 3e" } xroads,postoffice { set go "3w, 2s" } mages,xroads - magetw,xroads - magetower,xroads { set go "d, e, n, 3e" } xroads,mages - xroads,magetw - xroads,magetower { set go "3w, s, w, u" } clericsguild,xroads - clerics,xroads - church,xroads { set go "w, s, w, s, 3e" } xroads,clericsguild - xroads,clerics - xroads,church { set go "3w, n, e, n, e" } tantpub,xroads { set go "2s, 3e" } xroads,tantpub { set go "3w, 2n" } tantlib,xroads - tantlibrary,xroads { set go "e, s, 3e" } xroads,tantlib - xroads,tantlibrary { set go "3w, n, w" } ancientinn,xroads - start,xroads { set go "s, 6e" } xroads,ancientinn - xroads,start { set go "6w, n" } willim,xroads - smithy,xroads { set go "n, 6e" } xroads,willim - xroads,smithy { set go "6w, s" } wgate,xroads - westgate,xroads { set go "7e" } xroads,wgate - xroads,westgate { set go "7w" } canticle,xroads { set go "out, 8e" } xroads,canticle { set go "8w, enter hut" } humpback,xroads { set go "8e" } xroads,humpback { set go "8w" } coachline,xroads { set go "e, 2n, 5e" } xroads,coachline { set go "5w, 2s, w" } tantmagic,xroads - magicshop,xroads { set go "w, 2n, 5e" } xroads,tantmagic - xroads,magicshop { set go "5w, 2s, e" } hanza,xroads - mapshop,xroads { set go "e, 3n, 5e" } xroads,hanza - xroads,mapshop { set go "5w, 3s, w" } equipshop,xroads { set go "4n, 5e" } xroads,equipshop { set go "5w, 4s" } auction,xroads { set go "n, w, 3n, 5e" } xroads,auction { set go "5w, 3s, e, s" } weapshop,xroads { set go "n, 2w, 3n, 5e" } xroads,weapshop { set go "5w, 3s, 2e, s" } armshop,xroads { set go "s, 3w, 3n, 5e" } xroads,armshop { set go "5w, 3s, 3e, n" } tantres,xroads - residential,xroads { set go "e, 3n, 5w, 3n, 5e" } xroads,tantres - xroads,residential { set go "5w, 3s, 5e, 3s, w" } sgate,xroads - southgate,xroads { set go "4n, 5w, 3n, 5e" } xroads,sgate - xroads,southgate { set go "5w, 3s, 5e, 4s" } manor,xroads { set go "s, sw, w, 8s" } xroads,manor { set go "8n, e, ne, n" } park,xroads { set go "out, n, 8e" } xroads,park { set go "8w, s, enter park" } sandbox,xroads - rhot,xroads { set go "3e, ne, se, se, e, out, n, 8e" } xroads,sandbox - xroads,rhot { set go "8w, s, enter park, w, nw, nw, sw, 3w" } dump,xroads { set go "2w, 10n" } xroads,dump { set go "10s, e, enter mounds" } mine,xroads { set go "2s, 3e, 16s" } xroads,mine { set go "16n, 3w, 2n" } ravel,xroads { set go "se, e, s, 11e" } xroads,ravel { set go "11w, n, w, nw" } gpagob,xroads - gpagoblin,xroads - grandpagob,xroads { set go "e, out, 3s, 4e, se, e, s, 11e" } xroads,gpagob - xroads,gpagoblin - xroads,grandpagob { set go "11w, n, w, nw, 4w, 3n, enter, w" } blackorc,xroads { set go "w, 3u, ne, 2e, get all coins, w, enter hole, w, s, out, 3s, 4e, se, e, s, 11e" } xroads,blackorc { set go "11w, n, w, nw, 4w, 3n, enter, n, e, enter hole, e, get all coins, 2w, sw, 3d, e" } gobalchemist,xroads - gobchem,xroads - goblinalchemist,xroads { set go "out, s, 3e, 2s, 4e, se, e, s, 11e" } xroads,gobchem - xroads,gobalchemist - xroads,goblinalchemist { set go "11w, n, w, nw, 4w, 2n, 3w, n, enter" } gobtree,xroads - goblintree,xroads { set go "e, s, 11e" } xroads,gobtree - xroads,goblintree { set go "11w, n, w" } duender,xroads - eldarvillage,xroads { set go "ne, n, w, 6n, 12e, 4n, 12e" } xroads,duender - xroads,eldarvillage { set go "12w, 4s, 12w, 6s, e, s, sw" } xroads,listhalia { set go "12w, 4s, 12w, 6s, e, s, sw, se, s, w, 4s, 4e, sw" } listhalia,xroads { set go "ne, 4w, 4n, e, n, nw, ne, n, w, 6n, 12e, 4n, 12e" } xroads,drowcaves - xroads,drowcaverns - xroads,drowcavern - xroads,drow { set go "12w, 4s, 12w, 6s, e, s, 8e, 2s, enter cave" } drow,xroads - drowcavern,xroads - drowcaverns,xroads - drowcaves,xroads { set go "out, 2n, 8w, n, w, 6n, 12e, 4n, 12e" } xroads,monastery - xroads,monks { set go "12w, 4s, 12w, 6s, e, s, 14e, enter monastery" } monks,xroads - monastery,xroads { set go "s, 14w, n, w, 6n, 12e, 4n, 12e" } xroads,lichcastle - xroads,lich { set go "12w, 4s, 12w, 6s, e, s, 14e, s, e, s, swim e" } lichcastle - lich,xroads { set go "swim w, n, w, n, 14w, n, w, 6n, 12e, 4n, 12e" } xroads,lizardmensvillage - xroads,lizardmansvillage - xroads,lizardmans - xroads,lizardmens - xroads,lizardman - xroads,lizardmen { set go "12w, 4s, 12w, 6s, e, s, 12e, 11s, e, 4s, 2w, 6s, se" } lizardmen,xroads - lizardman,xroads - lizardmens,xroads - lizardmans,xroads - lizardmansvillage,xroads - lizardmensvillage,xroads { set go "nw, 6n, 2e, 4n, w, 11n, 12w, n, w, 6n, 12e, 4n, 12e" } rangers,xroads - rc,xroads - rangercamp,xroads { set go "out, n, 16w, 10s, 9e, 18s, 5w, 6s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,rangers - xroads,rc - xroads,rangercamp { set go "11w, n, w, 6n, 5e, 18n, 9w, 10n, 16e, s, enter camp" } hobbitat,rangerscamp - hobbitat,rangers - hobbitat,rc - hob,rangerscamp - hob,rangers - hob,rc { set go "s, 9w, 10n, 16e, s, enter camp" } rangers,hob - rangerscamp,hob - rc,hobbitat - rangers,hobbitat - rangerscamp,hobbitat - rc,hob { set go "out, n, 16w, 10s, 9e, n" } windmill,xroads { set go "w, 3s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,windmill { set go "11w, n, w, 3n, e" } xroads,orphanage { set go "11w, n, w, 3n, e, 4n, e" } orphanage,xroads { set go "w, 4s, w, 3s, e, s, 11e" } chaost,xroads - chaostower,xroads { set go "5e, 6s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,chaost - xroads,chaostower { set go "11w, n, w, 6n, 5w" } sati,xroads { set go "3u, 5e, 6s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,sati { set go "11w, n, w, 6n, 5w, 3d" } chaoszombie,xroads - chaoszomb,xroads { set go "e, s, u, 5e, 6s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,chaoszombie - xroads,chaoszomb { set go "11w, n, w, 6n, 5w, d, n, w" } chaosphant,xroads - chaosphantom,xroads { set go "2d, s, u, 5e, 6s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,chaosphant - xroads,chaosphantom { set go "11w, n, w, 6n, 5w, d, n, 2u" } chaoshound,xroads - hellhound,xroads { set go "e, 2d, s, u, 5e, 6s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,chaoshound - xroads,hellhound { set go "11w, n, w, 6n, 5w, d, n, 2u, w" } chaoswraith,xroads - chaoswrai,xroads { set go "w, 2d, s, u, 5e, 6s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,chaoswraith - xroads,chaoswrai { set go "11w, n, w, 6n, 5w, d, n, 2u, e" } chaoswar,xroads - chaoswarrior,xroads { set go "3d, s, u, 5e, 6s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,chaoswar - xroads,chaoswarrior { set go "11w, n, w, 6n, 5w, d, n, 3u" } xroads,hauntedship { set go "29n, 5e, enter ship" } hauntedship,xroads { set go "6w, 29s" } clanhut,xroads - boki,xroads - scyth,xroads - scythe,xroads { set go "e, 5n, 9e" } xroads,clanhut - xroads,scyth - xroads,boki - xroads,scythe { set go "9w, 5s, walk" } scyshop,xroads - scytheshop,xroads { set go "n, e, s, 2e, 5n, 9e" } xroads,scyshop - xroads,scytheshop { set go "9w, 5s, walk, w, n, w, s" } scythe,scyshop - scythe,scytheshop { set go "w, n, w, s" } scyshop,scythe - scytheshop,scythe { set go "n, e, s, e" } scythe,parky - scythe,kzoaki - scythe,parkraz { set go "w, n, 2w, n" } parky,scythe - kzoaki,scythe - parkraz,scythe { set go "s, 2e, s, e" } parky,xroads - kzoaki,xroads - parkraz,xroads { set go "s, 2e, s, 2e, 5n, 9e" } xroads,parky - xroads,kzoaki - xroads,parkraz { set go "9w, 5s, walk, w, n, 2w, n" } delair,xroads - dalair,xroads { set go "4s, 16e" } xroads,delair - xroads,dalair { set go "16w, 4n" } taverna,xroads - daltav,xroads - daltaverna,xroads - dalairtaverna,xroads { set go "7s, 16e" } xroads,taverna - xroads,daltav - xroads,daltaverna - xroads,dalairtaverna { set go "16w, 7n" } lighthouse,xroads { set go "6w, 11s" } xroads,lighthouse { set go "11n, 6e" } eastroadinn,xroads - eroadinn,xroads - erinn,xroads { set go "out, w, 10s" } xroads,eastroadinn - xroads,eroadinn - xroads,erinn { set go "10n, e, enter" } duender,wf - duender,wfinn - duender,wayfarer - duender,wayfarers { set go "se, s, e, s, 3e, n, 4e, s, 5e, 9s, enter" } wayfarer,duender - wf,duender - wfinn,duender - wayfarers,duender { set go "out, 9n, 5w, n, 4w, s, 3w, n, w, n, nw" } xroads,wf - xroads,wfinn - xroads,wayfarer - xroads,wayfarers { set go "12w, 4s, 12w, 6s, e, s, sw, se, s, e, s, 3e, n, 4e, s, 5e, 9s, enter" } wf,xroads - wfinn,xroads - wayfarer,xroads - wayfarers,xroads { set go "out, 9n, 5w, n, 4w, s, 3w, n, w, n, nw, ne, n, w, 6n, 12e, 4n, 12e" } duender,elvendefenseforce - duender,edf { set go "se, s, e, s, w, nw, n" } elvendefenseforce - edf,duender { set go "s, se, e, n, w, n, nw" } xroads,elvendefenseforce - xroads,edf { set go "12w, 4s, 12w, 6s, e, s, sw, se, s, e, s, w, nw, n" } elvendefenseforce,xroads - edf,xroads { set go "s, se, e, n, w, n, nw, ne, n, w, 6n, 12e, 4n, 12e" } xroads,sydryth - xroads,treevillage - xroads,spritevillage - xroads,sprites { set go "12w, 4s, 12w, 6s, e, s, 8e, 10s, nw, 2n, climb tree" } sprites,xroads - spritevillage,xroads - treevillage,xroads - sydryth,xroads { set go "climb down, 2s, se, 10n, 8w, n, w, 6n, 12e, 4n, 12e" } xroads,ilderia { set go "12w, 4s, 12w, 6s, e, s, sw, se, s, w, 7s, e" } ilderia,xroads { set go "w, 7n, e, n, nw, ne, n, w, 6n, 12e, 4n, 12e" } xroads,drakhiya { set go "12w, 4s, 12w, 6s, e, s, 12e, 11s, e, 5s, 4w, 7s, w, 2s, 2w, s, w" } drakhiya,xroads { set go "e, n, 2e, 2n, e, 7n, 4e, 5n, w, 11n, 12w, n, w, 6n, 12e, 4n, 12e" } xroads,diamondmonolith - xroads,monolith { set go "12w, 4s, 12w, 6s, e, s, 12e, 11s, e, 11s, 4w, s, w, 4s, 3e, 2s" } monolith,xroads { set go "2n, 3w, 4n, e, n, 4e, 11n, w, 11n, 12w, n, w, 6n, 12e, 4n, 12e" } xroads,nuns - xroads,convent { set go "12w, 4s, 12w, 6s, e, s, 4e, n, open n, n" } convent,xroads - nuns,xroads { set go "open s, 2s, 4w, n, w, 6n, 12e, 4n, 12e" } xroads,farmyard - xroads,farm { set go "12w, 4s, 12w, 6s, e, s, 10e, n, enter yard" } farm,xroads - farmyard,xroads { set go "exit, s, 10w, n, w, 6n, 12e, 4n, 12e" } xroads,burnhamwoods - xroads,burnham { set go "11w, n, w, 6n, 5e, 12n, 5w, 3n" } burnhamwoods,xroads - burnham,xroads { set go "3s, 5e, 12s, 5w, 6s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,arcadia { set go "11w, n, w, 6n, 5e, 12n, 5w, 2s" } arcadia,xroads { set go "2n, 5e, 12s, 5w, 6s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,fortvlaughn - xroads,ftvlaughn - xroads,vlaughn { set go "11w, n, w, 6n, 5e, 7n, 8w, s, w, s, w, climb slope, climb vine" } vlaughn,xroads - ftvlaughn,xroads - fortvlaughn,xroads { set go "climb vine, climb slope, e, n, e, n, 8e, 7s, 5w, 6s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,battlefield { set go "11w, n, w, 6n, 5e, 7n, 8w, s, w, s, 2w, n, ne" } battlefield,xroads { set go "sw, s, 2e, n, e, n, 8e, 7s, 5w, 6s, e, s, 11e" } xroads,boathouse - xroads,oar - xroads,grapple { set go "8s, e, ne, open n, n" } grapple,xroads - oar,xroads - boathouse,xroads { set go "open s, s, sw, w, 8n" } xroads,orcgardens - xroads,orcgarden - xroads,orcgard { set go "15w, 5s, enter garden" } orcgardens,xroads - orcgarden,xroads - orcgard,xroads { set go "out, 5n, 15e" } xroads,quarry - xroads,quary { set go "19n, 2w, n, 3w, s, sw" } quarry,xroads - quary,xroads { set go "ne, n, 3e, s, 2e, 19s" } rc,dubo - rc,gpan - rc,goldpan { set go "out, e, 8n, 7e" } dubo,rc - gpan,rc - goldpan,rc { set go "7w, 8s, w, enter camp" } xroads,yeticave - xroads,yeti { set go "31n, 9w, 10n, 6w, 14n, e, n" } yeticave,xroads - yeti,xroads { set go "s, w, 14s, 6e, 10s, 9e, 31s" } } if {[info exists go]} { return $go } } ######################################### ########## Short Cut Section ########## # there should be plenty of documentation... hope its helpful #### this is the /from proc with slight modifications proc /scut input { global / if {![regexp {^\s*(\S+),?\s+(\S+)\s*$} $input => origin dest]} { bell buffer->append sys "Huh? Where did you want to go?" return } set go [AA-routes $origin $dest] if {$go != ""} { set /(back) "$dest $origin" return [/go $go] } set to_xr [AA-routes $origin xroads] set from_xr [AA-routes xroads $dest] if {$to_xr != "" && $from_xr != ""} { # /go $to_xr # /go $from_xr set go [shortcut $to_xr $from_xr] set /(back) "$dest $origin" return [/go $go] # return } bell buffer->append sys \ "Can't figure out how to get from \"$origin\" to \"$dest\" ..." } #### given a $to_xr and $from_xr this returns the shortcut path #### that is only 1 example proc shortcut {path1 path2} { ### set a flag to determine when there is no longer any possible shortcut set complete 0 ### trim and remove commas from the paths in question regsub -all -- {,\s+} $path1 , path1 regsub -all -- {,\s+} $path2 , path2 set path1 [split [string trim $path1] ,] set path2 [split [string trim $path2] ,] ### BEGIN While Loop - executes until all backtracking has been removed. while {$complete != 1} { ### set a flag to keep track of when a shortcut is found set shorten 0 ### focus on the vectors at the joining point set vector1 [lindex $path1 end] set dir1 [string trimleft [lindex $path1 end] { 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 }] set mag1 [get_magnitude [lindex $path1 end] ] # DEBUG puts stdout "$vector1 becomes $mag1 to the $dir1." set vector2 [lindex $path2 0] set dir2 [get_direction [lindex $path2 0] ] set mag2 [get_magnitude [lindex $path2 0] ] # DEBUG puts stdout "$vector2 becomes $mag2 to the $dir2." ### determine if the joining vectors are backtracking and if so, reduce their magnitudes accordingly foreach { forward backward } { n s s n e w w e nw se se nw sw ne ne sw } { # DEBUG puts stdout "$forward, $backward pair" if { $dir1 == $forward && $dir2 == $backward } { # DEBUG puts stdout "$forward and $backward match" set shorten 1 set complete 0 if { $mag1 < $mag2 } { set mag2 [expr $mag2-$mag1] set mag1 0 } else { set mag1 [expr $mag1-$mag2] set mag2 0 } # DEBUG puts stdout "$mag1, and $mag2" break } set complete 1 } ### if we have reduced magnitude of the vectors, we need to replace the old vectors in path1 and path2 with the new vectors (just remove the vector if magnitude is 0) before we repead the while loop ### if { $shorten == 1 } { set newpath1 "" set newpath2 "" ### conditionally remove vectors with magnitude 0 from original paths, or reduce the magnitude to the remaining amount after shortcutting it. if { $mag1 == 0 } { set newpath1 [string replace $path1 end-[expr [string length $vector1]-1] end] } else { set newvector "$mag1$dir1" set newpath1 [string replace $path1 end-[expr [string length $vector1]-1] end $newvector] } if { $mag2 == 0 } { set newpath2 [string replace $path2 0 [expr [string length $vector2]-1] ] } else { set newvector "$mag2$dir2" set newpath2 [string replace $path2 0 [expr [string length $vector2]-1] $newvector] } ### update the actual paths, with trimmed version of the newpaths set path1 [string trim $newpath1] set path2 [string trim $newpath2] } # if { $complete == 1 } { continue } ### END While Loop } set the_shortcut "$path1 $path2" set the_shortcut [join $the_shortcut ,] return $the_shortcut } ################## # get_magnitude - returns the magnitude of a vector passed in form Xdir where X is an integer, and dir is a compass direction ################## proc get_magnitude {vector} { set magnitude [string trimright $vector { , n s e w }] if {![string is integer -strict $magnitude]} {set magnitude 1} return $magnitude } ################## # get_direction - returns the direction of a vector passed in form Xdir where X is an integer, and dir is a compass direction ################## proc get_direction {vector} { set direction [string trimleft $vector { 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 }] return $direction } ################ # path_length - given a comma delimitted path, calculates the distance of a given paths in terms of how many "steps" or rooms long the path is, and return the length. ################ proc path_length { path } { set length 0 foreach vector $path { set length [expr $length+[get_magnitude $vector]] } return $length } ############### -END OF SHORTCUT SECTION- ############## proc /gbomb input { set where [lindex $input 0] if {[string length $where] == 0} { bell buffer->append sys "Where did you want to gbomb?" return } regexp {^([^+!-]+)(!?)([+-]?)$} $where => where discover resume set tasks [gbomb_tasks $where] if {[llength $tasks] == 0} { bell buffer->append sys "Don't know how to gbomb $where" return } global gbomb global ui if {![info exists gbomb($where)]} { set gbomb($where) 0 } if {$gbomb($where) >= [llength $tasks]} { set gbomb($where) 0 } set commands {} if {$discover == "!"} { set pause " ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;" set rate 5 set headline "/gbomb'ing $where (discovery mode)" } else { set pause " ;;;;;;" set rate 2 set headline "/gbomb'ing $where (claiming mode)" } if {$resume == "-"} { regsub {mode} $headline "resuming mode" headline } if {$resume == "+" && $gbomb($where)} { set commands [join [lrange $tasks 0 [expr {$gbomb($where) - 1}]] " ;; "] } if {$resume != ""} { set tasks [lrange $tasks [expr {$gbomb($where) - 1}] end] } set stamina $ui(sp) foreach task $tasks { if {$stamina >= $rate} { append commands " ; gclaim $pause $task" incr gbomb($where) incr stamina -$rate } else { append commands " ; yawn" break } } buffer->append sys $headline set ui(entry) [string trimleft $commands " ;"] return [entry->process 0] } proc gbomb_tasks {where} { switch -- $where { pestates { return [list e w e w "w ; s" w "n ; n" e n w s "n ; n" w w s s \ "open s ; s" s s "open e ; e" n n "s ; u" "open e ; e" \ "w ; open w ; w" "e ; open n ; n" "s ; open s ; s" \ "n ; d ; e ; n" n "s ; s"] } canticle { return [list "open e ; e" "w ; n" s w n "s ; e"] } neville { return [list "n ; w" "e ; e ; s" "n ; e ; n" "s ; e ; n" \ "out ; w ; w ; w ; n ; e ; e" w "w ; w" w sw "ne ; n" \ "s ; w" "e ; s" "n ; e ; e ; s ; s"] } cyrano { return [list "open e ; e" n "s ; u" "d ; e ; open n ; open s" \ n "open e ; e" "w ; s ; s" "n ; open e ; e" e enter \ "climb mast" "d ; out ; d" n ne "sw ; s ; s" s \ "n ; n ; u ; w ; w ; w ; w"] } mine { return [list n ne "sw ; nw" w n "s ; e ; n" n "open e ; e" \ "w ; open w ; w" "e ; open n ; n" "s ; s ; s ; se ; s"] } musicman { return [list e n n n n "climb tree" "d ; w" w s s s \ "enter doghouse" "e ; s" "e ; climb overhang" \ "d ; open n ; n" n w "e ; e" "w ; n" w "e ; e" "w ; n" \ w "e ; e ; e" w "w ; n" "s ; u" e "w ; w" "e ; s" \ w "e ; e" "w ; s" e "w ; open w ; w" \ "e ; n ; n ; d ; s ; s ; s ; s ; d ; s" n u] } balan { return [list w n "s ; s" "n ; w" n "s ; s" "n ; w" s "n ; n" \ "s ; w" n "say visit the king ;;; n" e "w ; w" "e ; n" \ "s ; s ; s ; w" n "s ; s" "n ; w" s "n ; n" "s ; w" n \ n n n w u e n \ "s ; w ; d ; e ; s ; s ; s ; s ; e ; e ; e ; e ; e ; e ; e"] } dump { return [list e n n e n "s ; s" s s e e n n n "s ; w" \ "w ; s ; w ; w"] } nepeth { return [list s e "w ; w" "e ; n ; e" e "open s ; s" \ "n ; open e ; e" "w ; n" w n "s ; e ; open n ; n" \ w "e ; u" "d ; s ; e" d "u ; w ; s ; w ; w ; w" \ w s "n ; n ; e" "w ; w" "e ; n" "u ; s ; open e ; e" \ "w ; n ; d ; s ; s ; e ; e ; n" "open e ; e" \ "w ; open w ; w" "e ; n" w "e ; e" "w ; n" e e u \ "d ; w ; w ; w" w u "d ; e ; e ; n" e e n "s ; w ; w ; w" \ w n "s ; e ; e ; open n ; n" "open w ; w" \ "e ; open e ; e" e e n n "s ; s ; w ; w ; n" e u \ "open e ; e" s "n ; w ; w" w "open w ; w" "open s ; s" \ "n ; e ; e ; e ; d ; w ; open w ; w" w w \ "search ; open w ; w" s u "d ; n ; e ; e ; e ; n ; n" \ n n e "w ; w" s "n ; e ; n" \ "s ; s ; s ; s ; s ; s ; s ; open s ; s ; s ; s ; s ; s"] } default { return [list] } } } # Make an alias interp alias {} /upack {} /gpack # Make an alias interp alias {} /pack {} /ppack # # reload the users .mudfestrc file in case they redfined any of our procs # .mudfestrc # Running in debug mode? if {$debug_p} { catch { after cancel $autokill } } if {[string match tclkit* [file tail [info nameofexecutable]]]} { # kick off event loop vwait forever }